Vision: Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide
Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Updated 8/2/18
Dana Jaeger, Webmaster
Jo Regenold Fund
The purpose of this fund is to provide small financial opportunities for active Delta Kappa Gamma educators to pursue a project within the classroom or to attend a conference or seminar serving to enhance abilities to serve our school students’ learning. This is designed to pay for supplies or registration fees.
Omicron State Scholarships
Delta Kappa Gamma offers scholarship opportunities to fulfill Purpose Five: “To endow scholarships and grant fellowships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study”.
Scholarship Eligibility
To qualify for a scholarship at the state level a member must
• be an active member of DKG for a minimum of one year
• be a member in good standing
• be qualified for advanced study
• be committed to the seven purposes of the society
• be willing to give service to the society
Available Scholarships
$1000.00 scholarships are available to members for continuing education, a Master’s Degree, Doctorate/PHD or other advanced credentials.
Omicron State Scholarships are awarded annually and are financed by accrued interest from the permanent Scholarship Fund. This fund is maintained by the money allotted from the scholarship portion of local chapter dues.
Endowed Scholarships come from interest accrued on Endowments. In addition, available funds are derived from bequests and donations. The number of scholarships annually awarded depends on the funds available.
Application Process
1. Complete the interactive form or secure the required form from your chapter Scholarship Chairman, Chapter President or State Scholarship Chairman. The form must be typed or computer-generated not hand-written. pdf form
2. Request three letters of recommendation. Note that one must be from an active Delta Kappa Gamma member. Have the three letters sent directly to the Omicron State Scholarship Chairman:
Sorale Fortman, (Xi) Chair 2017-19
6300 E. Speedway Blvd., Apt. 1321
Tucson, AZ 85710
Home (520) 747-3520
Cell (520) 390-7358
3. All applications must post-marked by February 1st.
4. Include a current photo for Society publicity purposes.
5. Notification of the awards will be made by April 1st. Scholarships will be awarded at the annual Omicron State Convention.
International Scholarships
International scholarships of $6,000.00 (Master’s Degree) and $10,000.00 (Doctorate) are awarded annually.
Application forms for the International Scholarships may be obtained by writing to: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, P.O. Box 1589 Austin, TX 78767-1589
OR going to the international web site: