County Superintendent, McHenry County Schools, Woodstock, Illinois,
(1925-1943), born October 29, 1881.
Mrs. Coe served as Lambda State's first recording secretary. In 1936 she
became a charter member of Epsilon Chapter and in 1943 helped organize
and became a charter member of Alpha Theta Chapter where she remained
actively interested until her death in 1959.
She was known throughout the state for her work in rural education. In
her own words she found at that time the rural teacher was "at the
bottom of the heap." She brought electricity, cheerful color, indoor
toilets and furnaces into the schools. She also facilitated the organization
of work, libraries, music, art and supervision. She helped school boards
see the need for improvement and showed them the way to carry out their
plans. When a teacher showed special talent, she called for a demonstration
meeting so that others would catch the spark; thus, she lifted teacher
morale by giving them a light to follow. Out of this work came the first
workbook. Mrs. Coe described herself as a catalyst. Other county superintendents
looked to her for methodology. Other area leaders consulted her for advice.
Deceased, 1959. (Condensed from a biography written by
Faith Harrington, Alpha Theta.)