Kathryn Hatfield
Phi State President - 2009-11
Initiated into Alpha Delta chapter
on December 3, 1977.
A.A. - Kansas City Community Junior
College * B.S.E. -
Emporia State University * M.S. -
Kansas State University.
K-Place Certification. (3 summer Kansas Public Library training)
Graduate of DKG Golden Gift Leadership Management Seminar - Class of 2006
G.P.E. teacher, USD #364 – 1969-1982
* Librarian at Marysville Public
Library, November 1993-March 2009
Phi State Committee chairman: Professional Affairs 1983-85, Legislative
Sub-committee 1985-87, Membership 1987-93 -- author and presenter of six Phi
State Ceremonly of Remembrance services, U.S. Forum Liaison 1993-95, Personal
Growth & Services 1995-97, Leadership Development 1997-99 and Research
Phi State Recording Secretary,
2005-07 * Phi State Vice-President/Prog. Chair,
Published in the Bulletin: (articles)
“The Fourth "R" “, Fall 1991 and “Pets: The Unusual Investment in Our
Well-Being”, Fall 1997; (book reviews)
“Amusing Ourselves to Death-Public Discourse in the Age of Showbusiness” by
Neil Postman, Summer 1988 and “Compassionate Laughter: Jest for Your Health” by
Patty Wooten, R.N., Spring 1999.
(anecdote) “Reading for Pleasure”, Spring 2004”. Quoted and credited in
the 1994 Ceremonies book. Lyricist for “A Delta Kappa Gamma Round”, included in
Songbook 6.
Has attended all Phi State conventions since 1982.
SW Regional Conferences
attended: Denver CO 1987 (presenter at
Membership Workshop), Houston TX 1989 (recorder for two workshops), Kansas City
MO. 1991, Wichita KS 1993, San Francisco CA 1995, Salt Lake City UT, 1997 and
Honolulu HI - l999 (presenter of workshop titled Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff),
Oklahoma City OK 2007, Reno NV 2009, Denver CO 2011.
NW Regional Conferences
attended: Bismarck ND - 2003, (presenter
:-)@icecream for breakfast.calm) and Milwaukee WI - 2005.
International Conventions
attended: Atlanta GA 1982, Las Vegas NV
1984, Baltimore MD 1988, New Orleans LA 1990, Dallas TX 1998, Toronto, Canada
2000 (presenter Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff), Little Rock AK 2002 (presenter
:-)@icecream for breakfast.calm ), Minneapolis MN 2004, Chicago IL 2008 and
Spokane WA 2010.
Biennial theme:
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State President 1997-99 | Phi
State President 2009-11
Marshall County, KS | The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
This page designed and maintained by Lynn
Kracht & Kathryn Hatfield
Last Update:
June 17, 2011
Contact: kathrynh@oz-online.net