The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Kentucky

Click on these logos for more information


Vision Statement

"Leading Women Educators  Impacting Education Worldwide"

Educational Excellence Committee



Kathy Zwanzig, Xi, chair

5105 Stout Blvd, Louisville, KY 40291

Pam Bernard, Zeta


Debbie Duffy, Xi


Jessie Trotteer, Alpha Delta


Alma Benedict, Theta


Jessica Campbell, Omega


Kari Critchelow, Alpha Zeta


Sharon Whitehead, Iota


Jana Beth Francis, Rho


Cheryl Slater, Nu




The Educational Excellence Committee shall promote programs and projects for excellence in education.  The committee shall identify long-term and short-term programs and projects that focus upon topics adopted by the Society.  The committee shall support programs of action that promote the personal well- being, intellectual growth, and global awareness of women educators; encourage a focus on the arts at state organization conventions; and develop strategies that will enable chapters to encourage member to become leaders.  Goals include:
a.  providing training and resources to individual chapters
b.  working with the Membership Committee to determine chapter demographics to suggest programs
c.  promoting Society projects
d.  encouraging programs that focus on educational excellence, that impact educational law and policy, that increase members' personal and professional pride in DKG, and that increase members' global awareness
e.  planning the Founder's Birthday Celebrations at State Conventions


Recent Notifications


Alpha Gamma State 2016 Chapter Programs and Projects Booklet

*Alpha Gamma State Project Booklet Cover

Annie Award for Programs

Annie Award for Projects


Research Projects

*Compiled by the Educational Excellence Comittee