does Gamma Theta Mean to Van Buren County, Michigan?
Our chapter president has challenged us to light the path to
excellence for ourselves and others through our commitment to our Delta
Kappa Gamma sisters and our service to others. How that light
shines! Here are some places it shines in and around Van Buren
County and Alpha Iota State.
Book donations for children facing life in shelters.
Donation of 25 boxes for Survive Incoorperated
Supporter of Girls
on the Run in VanBuren County
Involvement in Van Buren County Literacy Projects.
Recognizing Friends of Education in Van Buren
Becoming partners of Habitat for Humanity in Van Buren
Being the proud chapter of the a president of Alpha
Iota State.
Earning Awards at the State Level including
Award of the Rose
President's Award
Attendance Award
Pace Setter Award
First Place Chapter Newsletter
Being part of what's good about education in Southwest
Michigan every day!