About Pi Chapter

The Delta Kappa Gamma Zeta State Pi Chapter was organized May 21, 1955 by Miss Ruth Boyd. The Charter members include: Eva Grace Barnes, Lacie Lee Berry, Inez Crain, Lurline Hamilton, Cleo Jackson, Mrs. Dan Keel, Irene Laird, Aline Neal, Lorye Rogers, Mildred Thrailkill, Virginia Webb, Norma Wittington. 

More history of Pi Chapter Zeta State is coming!

The chapter meets five times a year. The primary meeting location for the 2024-2025 year is The Parent Resource Center in Brandon, Mississippi.


Member Biographical Data Sheet

History of Zeta State Mississippi 

Grant in Aid (recipient for 2024/25)- Kaitlyn White - Pelahatchie in Rankin County

Red Rose (recipient for 2024/25)- Stacy Herrin from Simpson County

Pi Chapter Rules and Policies

Go To Guide for Members

Name: Pi Chapter Zeta State

Date Organized: May 21, 1955

Organization Age: 69

Birthday: May 21st

Status: Active

Serving: Rankin, Scott, & Simpson Counties

White Elephant Sale: December Meeting

Silent Auction: December Meeting

Project: Project SEE

Committee List:

Chapter Rules: Beth McKay (Chair) Parliamentarian, Dr. Gail Hammond, Tammie Brewer, Kimberly Watson

Finance Committee: Linda Finley (Chair), Lynn Holliday - Treasurer, Fonda Dickinson - Consultant, Betsy Sullivan

Leadership Development: Dr. LaVonda White (Chair), Kelsey Williams, Heather Thornton

Membership: Joni Alumbaugh (Chair), Dr. Trecina Green - Consultant, Leslie Hebert, Jo Stanford

Nominations: Hollie Davis (Rankin), Becky Baker (Scott), Linda Hollingsworth (Simpson)

Communications: JoAnn Gatewood (Chair), Webmaster - Dr. Hilda White, Social Media Representative - Beth McKay, Yearbook Editor - Beth McKay, Pi Notes Editor - JoAnn Gatewood, Sunshine Representative - Chris Wall

Educational Excellence, Chair: Dr. LaVonda White
Legislative Representative: Dr. LaVonda White
Arts & Humanities Representative: Chantelle Herchenhahn
Personal Growth and Services Representative: Lori Shelton
Professional Affairs Representative: Barbara Freeny (Chair), Joni Alumbaugh - Consultant, Dr. Sarah Beard, Heather Thornton
Research Representative: Becky Baker (Chair), Dr. Hilda White, Beveerly McWilliams, Dixie Vance
World Fellowship Representative: Dr. Hilda White (Chair), Gail Hammond, Bonnie Peagler
Scholarship: Fonda Dickinson (Chair), Linda Hollingsworth - Consultant, Linda Finley, Allie Walters

Special Committees:

SEE: Kelsey Williams (Chair), Trish Wood, Sandra Barrett
Red Rose Award: Linda Finley (Rankin), Becky Baker (Scott), Linda Hollingsworth (Simpson)
Historian: Hollie Davis - Traditional, Dr. Hilda White - Digital
Luncheon & Hostesses: Lori Shelton (Chair),  Debbie Wright, Trish Wood

Updated:  1/23/25 by Hilda White