Photos are taken at each meeting.
October 2014 Meeting:

September 2014 Meeting:

September 2012 Meeting:

Pi Chapter's newest members
30 Year Member
Yearbook Dedication
Lisa, China Foreign
Project Chance Raffle Table
from Mississippi College
Bowen Guest Speaker for
5, 20 and 30 Years of
Service Presentation
Project Chance

Door Prize Table Yearbook Dedication
July 2012 International DKG conference in New York:
March 2012 Central District Meeting:
September 2011 Meeting: Welcome Beth
Hats off to Delta Kappa Gamma
Celebration - The Hats of our Founders
March 2011 Meeting: Educators from
South Africa Visit Pi Chapter - Welcome New Friends
Lucille Cornetet
Award Recipients: Hilda White and Marlynn Martin
January 2011 Meeting:
October 2010 Meeting:
Fall Meetings:
Spring Meetings
More pictures from social at Linda's home on February 28, 2009. The purpose of the social was to help create table decorations for the Zeta State Conference in Meridian.
Last updated:
December 6, 2014 by Hilda White