April 28, 2023 - Gail Coleman and Sheila Robertson (circled in red) attended a First Timers Gathering held in the courtyard of the Hilton Greenville. Past President Linda Little conducted the session. There were 79 first-timers registered for the convention. |
April 28, 2023 - Eight Gamma Chi members attended the convention in Greenville, NC. Seated from left to right: Shirley White and Evelyn Hall; standing from left to right: Nancy Tunstall, Debra Clayton, Sheila Robertson, Gail Coleman, Dr. Sylvia Alston and Sallye Duncan. |
April 28, 2023 - The opening session on Friday night began with entertainment provided by The Carolina Chord Connections, a chapter of the national Barbershop Harmony Society. Their a cappella arrangements set the stage for the rest of the evening, which focused on awards. |
April 28, 2023 - Gamma Chi was the only chapter in Region III to receive the NC DKG Communication Excellence Award. The award is given for accomplishments in producing a quality newsletter, maintaining an updated website, producing a chapter brochure and using social media to greatly enhance chapter communications. |
April 28, 2023 -Member Debra Clayton received the Golden Key Award for Region III. The award is given to honor members who have made significant contributions to DKG at various levels of the society. |
April 30, 2023 - Debra was presented with the Golden Key pin and a certificate |
April 28, 2023 - Golden Key recipients from around the state. Debra Clayton is 4th from the right. |
April 28, 2023 - Member Sheila Robertson was presented the Rising Star Award. Only eleven women from across the state were selected for this honor. The NC DKG Rising Star Award is intended to recognize and encourage key women educators in their early years of active membership in NC DKG. |
April 28, 2023 - Sheila was presented with the Rising Star pin and a certificate. |
April 28, 2023 - Rising Star recipients from around the state. Sheila Robertson is shown 4th from the right. |
April 28, 2023 - New chapter achievement awards call the ROSE Awards were presented this year. The ROSE Award (Recognition of Society Excellence) has two levels—the Rose Bud Award, symbolic of a young rose with petals not fully opened, and the Order of the Rose Award for chapters more actively involved in DKG work. |
April 28, 2023 - Gamma Chi was one of three chapter in Region III to achieve the Order of the Rose Award. |
April 28, 2023 - Taken after they received their awards, Debra Clayton (left) received the Golden Key Award, and Sheila Robertson received the Rising Star Award. |
April 28, 2023 - Taken by Dr. Sylvia Alston, these are the two tables where Gamma Chi members sat for the Friday night opening meeting. On the table in the back, from left to right, are Sallye Duncan, Debra Clayton, Gail Coleman and Sheila Robertson. On the front table, from left to right, are Evelyn Hall, Nancy Tunstall, Hal White (Shirley's husband) and Shirley White. |
April 28, 2023 - From left, Shirley White, Debra Clayton and Hal White who is Shirley's husband and Debra's father. We were glad to have Hal along for the convention. |
April 29, 2023 - from left, Dr. Sylvia Alston, Nancy Tunstall, Gail Coleman and Sheila Robertson arrive early to get a table close to the front in order to better see Diane Colin and her Littleton Academy Drum Circle perform at the 2nd general meeting on Saturday morning. |
May 29, 2023 - The Saturday morning meeting ended with a treat provided by our member Diane Colin and her students from Littleton Academy. The Drum Circle performed using tall tubano drums, which were purchased using a NC DKG Educational Foundation grant. |
April 29,2023 - Here we see the Littleton Academy Drum Circle performing. |
April 29, 2023 - Here we see member Renee Mizelle who is the assistant head of Littleton Academy recording the Drum Circle's performance. |
April 29, 2023 - from left, Gail Coleman, Sheila Robetson and Dr. Sylvia Alston are enjoying a bag lunch in the Hilton Greenville courtyard. |
April 29, 2023 - Workshops were available for attendees on Saturday afternoon. Member Sheila Robertson presented a worshop entitled "Using Recycled and 'Cheap' Stuff to Make Art." |
April 29, 2023 - Along with workshops, vendors were offering many items for purchase. Shirley White, left, is looking over the various items. |
April 29, 2023 - Shirley White, left, voluteered to be the hostess at a table for the banquet on Saturday evening. She is holding up her table number so attendees can find their assigned table. |
April 29, 2023 - On Saturday evening the Chapter Presidents Banquet began with a tribute to chapter presidents including Gamma Chi’s President Alston. Attendees were assigned seats enabling them to mingle with members from around the state. |
April 29, 2023 - Member Shirley White (center) sang in the Convention Chorus at the Presidents Banquet. |
April 29, 2023 - Tiffany Long (left), our Region III Director, was one of the scholarship recipients announced at the Presidents Banquet. |
April 30, 2023 - Member Shirley White (front row, red jacket) sang in the Convention Chorus at the Memorial Service held Sunday morning to celebrate the lives of NC DKG members who had passed away during the previous year. |
April 30, 2023 - The Convention Chorus sang a final time at the Sunday Birthday Brunch held after the Memorial Service. Shirley is in the center wearing a white jacket. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their music. |
April 30, 2023 - Attendees were thrilled at the announcement of Sheila Groves as the recipient of the Founders Award given in odd years. Sheila was the 2015-2017 past NC DKG president and has served on many state and international committees. This award is given to a woman who has made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of the quality of human life through education, research, publications, or service. |
April 30, 2023 - NC DKG President Beth Winstead (left) presents the Founders Award to Sheila Groves. |
April 30, 2023 - Immediate Past President Dr. Teresa Cowan installed the new 2023-2025 NC DKG officers. From left, President Hilda Parlér, First Vice President Carolyn Lane, Second Vice President Janie Webb and Secretary Carol Bostian. |
April 30, 2023 - At the podium, Immediate Past President Teresa Cowan applaudes the new 2023-2025 officers as Treasurer Leslie Black and Executive Secretary Elizabeth Miars look on. |
April 30, 2023 - One of the best parts of attending a state convention is reconnecting with old friends. Here we see our President Dr. Sylvia Alston (left) visiting with a friend from her former chapter Gamma Mu in Wilson County. |
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© 2011. Delta Kappa Gamma. Gamma Chi Chapter. Contact Webmaster: Nancy Tunstall. Last Updated: 10/12/23