Black marble bar
  Mu Chapter
  Eta State, North Carolina
  The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
  Mu Chapter Committees
  Article VIII Standing Committees
  A. Society Mission & Purposes  B. Society Business
1. Educational Excellence Committee
1) Reba Fulghum, Chm
2) Beth Credle
3) Beth Wingfield
2. Leadership Development
1. Pat Taylor, Chm
2. Elaine Christianson
3. Barbara Mize
4. Nancy Mooring
1. Communications & Publicity
1. Jackie Ennis, Chm
2. Margie Brantley
3. Sandra Holloman
4. Anita Wesche
5. Vicky Deans
a. Programs and Projects
1. Beth Wingfield, Chm
2. Ann Bishop
3. Eva Bulluck
4. Diane Dixon
5. Kathyrn Hofman
6. Katrina Joyner
7. Kathy Keeter
8. Kim Lehnes
9. Jill Moore
10. Malinda Pennington
11. Patty Summerlin
a. Membership
1. Elaine Christianson, Chm
2. Jane White
3. Theresa Nettnin
4. Amy Quigley
2. Finance Committee
1. Margie Brantley, Chm
2. Marianne Matthews, Treasurer
3. Henrietta Barbour
4. Luretta Hardy-Belfield
5. Diane Day
b. Fine Arts
1. Beth Credle, Chm
2. Mandy Bailey
3. Ann Edge
4. Jenny Hayes
Phyllis Jacobs
6. Hunter Stone

7. Tunisia Bullock
b. Nominations
1. Barbara Mize, Chm
2. Margie Holt
3. Diane Daye
4. Jill Winstead
3. Rules Committee
1. Pat Taylor, Chm
2. Katherine Collins
3. Henrietta Barbour
4. Florine Joyner
5. Betty Penny
6. Joyce White

c. Scholarship & World Fellowship
1. Nancy Mooring, Chm
2. Jorris Edge
3. Jackie Ennis
4 . Katrina Joyner
4. Nurturing Committee
1. Jane Parvin, Chm
2. Suzanne Downs
3. Rosa Leonard
4. Patricia Maxwell
5. Gay Mullinix
6. Ann Robbins
7. Jane Seeger

3. Educational Law & Policy
1. Jeanette Pittman, Chm
2. Sylvia Anthony-McGeachy
3. Judy Bradshaw
4. Ann Edge
5. Pam Harris
6. Jenny Hayes
7. Barbara Mize

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This page last updated:October 5, 2015