Gamma Chapter
Located in Las Vegas, Nevada
Part of Nevada's Alpha Chi State and The Delta Kappa Gamma Society

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide

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updated 9-24 |
Gamma Chapter of Nevada State located in Las Vegas, NV - part of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society InternationalGamma Chapter Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Purposes, Bylaws & Standing Rules
Gamma Chapter of Nevada's Alpha Chi State located in Las Vegas, NV - part of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide
Mission Statement
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
- To unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship
- To honor women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education
- To advance the professional interest and position of women in education
- To initiate, endorse and support desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors in the interests of education and of women educators
- To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to non-member women educators
- To stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action
- To inform the members of current economic, social, political and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society
The name of this organization shall be Gamma Chapter. Gamma Chapter operates as a part of Alpha Chi State, Nevada, and of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
ARTICLE II-Mission Statement
- The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
- The purposes of this chapter shall be the seven purposes of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
- TO UNITE women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship
- TO HONOR women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education
- TO ADVANCE the professional interest and position of women in education
- TO INITIATE, ENDORSE AND SUPPORT desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors in the interests of education and of women educators
- TO ENDOW scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to non-member women educators
- TO STIMULATE the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action
- TO INFORM the members of current economic, social, political, and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society
The membership of Gamma Chapter shall be composed of women who are employed in educational work at the time of their election and have had three or more years of experience as professional educators or have been retired from an educational.
- Recommendation forms for prospective members shall be available at all meetings and can be mailed or emailed along with copies of the information brochures published by International Headquarters.
- Forms for prospective members shall be read two month prior to initiation.
- Election shall be by ballot or voice vote of the attending membership one month prior to initiation and a majority of votes cast elects.
- Invitations to membership shall be mailed by the Chapter President to the prospective member.
- After accepting an invitation to membership, candidates mustbe made aware of the responsibilities of membership, such as payment of dues and fees, attendance at meetings, and active participation in chapter functions and projects.
- Initiation shall be held any time during the biennium at the discretion of the Membership Chair who shall be responsible to work with the President in planning appropriate procedures.
- A former active member may be reinstated to active membership (after review by the Executive Board of the reason for termination.) The candidate for reinstatement shall be voted on by ballot at a chapter meeting, and a majority of votes cast shall be required. The chapter president and treasurer shall notify the state president and the state treasurer of such a reinstatement.
- Any active member unable to attend a meeting shall contact the President or meeting hostess via email or phone message.
- Classification:
- Active members are those who are members of DKG and have paid their dues.
- Reserve membership shall be granted only to those who are unable to participate fully in the activities of the chapter because of physical disability and/or geographic location. Reserve status shall be granted by a majority vote of the chapter. A reserve member, so requesting, may be restored to active membership by a majority vote of the chapter.
- Honorary members shall be women not eligible for active memberships who have rendered notable service to education or to women and are elected to honorary membership in recognition of such service. They shall be privileged to participate in all activities except that of holding office.
- A member in good standing may be transferred from one unit to another upon application to the International Headquarters.
- All resignations shall be presented in writing to the Chapter President and voted on by the membership. The written request shall give a statement of reason. The date of request and the chapter action shall be recorded in the minutes.
- Membership in the Society is terminated for one of three reasons: non-payment of dues and fees, resignation or death.
- An initiation fee shall be required.
- Annual dues: Dues and fees shall be paid no later than October 31 of each year.
- On November 1 members shall be dropped for non-payment of dues and fees. Non-payment of dues constitutes reason for dismissal.
- Chapter dues for Gamma Chapter shall be determined biannually by the Gamma Chapter Finance Committee based on Chapter needs, International and State requirements. An analysis of the amounts will be made available by the Treasurer and President.
- Assessments - Active and reserve members shall be assessed annually for World FellowShip, International and local Scholarship fees, and the Nevadagram. An analysis of the assessments will be made by the President and the Treasurer.
- The chapter fiscal year shall be July 1-June 30 inclusive.
- Budget - The budget shall be developed by the finance committee, and shall be presented to the membership for changes, additions, deletions and approval at the September meeting.
- Expenses approved in the budget shall be paid upon presentation of a claim.
- All claims must be approved by the President before being paid by the Treasurer.
- All claims are filed.
- Any expenses not provided for in the budget must be presented to the chapter for approval.
- The Treasurer shall make a written and oral report at each chapter meeting.
- Expansion - The organization of a new chapter shall be considered when chapter membership reaches 60 members.
- Representation to the Coordinating Council Gamma Chapter shall be represented at the Coordinating Council by the Chapter President and the Immediate Past President.
- Elected officers shall be a president, a first vice-president, a second vice-president, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, and members of a nominating committee. The Treasurer is selected by the Executive Board and the Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President.
- In addition to the duties assigned in the constitution, the First Vice President shall be responsible for the year book; the Second Vice President shall be chair of the Program Committee.
- Officers shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee in January of even-numbered years, elected in February, and installed in May. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the chapter members present. Voting shall be by ballot if there is more than one nominee for the office.
- The term of each elected officer shall be two years, or until a successor is named.
- No officer, except the treasurer, may serve in the same office longer than two terms in succession.
- All officers shall take office in July, following their election.
- The treasurer shall be selected by the Executive Board each biennium.
- Other officers, including the Parliamentarian and Committee Chairs are appointed by the President and shall perform their duties as prescribed.
- Vacancies
- When a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the First Vice-president shall become President and serve until the next regular election of officers.
- When a vacancy occurs in the office of the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-president shall become the First Vice-president and serve until the next regular election of officers.
- When a vacancy occurs in other elected or appointed positions, the President shall name a successor.
- The duties of the officers are listed in Chapter Standing Rules, Part II, Article I.
ARTICLE VII-Executive Board
- The members of the Executive Board shall be the elected officers of the chapter, the immediate past President, members of the nominating committee and standing committee chairs. The treasurer and the parliamentarian are ex-officio members.
- The Executive Board shall:
- Consider all business matters and make recommendations to the membership.
- Meet two times each year upon the call of the President.
- During the first year of the biennium, a meeting shall be held to acquaint each person with her duties, and to make plans for programs and activities for the coming year. Additional meetings may be called by the President.
- During the second year of the biennium, at least one planning meeting shall be held. A second meeting shall be held to give out report forms, and to organize reports that are to be sent to International and State.
- Vote and act on any emergency business, with a complete explanation to the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- Suggest rules and regulations, with a complete explanation of such suggestions to the chapter membership for their approval.
C. The President may call a meeting of the Executive Board at any time one is needed.
ARTICLE VIII -Standing Committees
A. Society Business
1. Finance
a. Budget
b. Ways and Means
c. Audit
2. Membership
3. Nominations
B. Program of Work
1. Program
2. Personal Growth and Services
3. Professional Affairs/Legislation
4. Research
5. Music
C. Educational Services
1. Communications/Phoning
2. Scholarship
3. World Fellowship
D Special committees shall be those needed to carry out chapter functions which are not the responsibilities of any standing committee.
E. A vacancy in a committee position shall be filled by appointment by the president.
F. The duties of the standing committees are listed in Chapter Standing Rules, Part II, Articles II and III.
- The chapter shall have nine meetings each year September through May. Dates, times, and sites shall be determined by the Executive Board at the planning meeting, and printed in the yearbook.
- If she is unable to attend a meeting, a member should notify the President or meeting hostess via email or phone message.
- A quorum for chapter business at a regularly scheduled meeting shall be 40% of the active paid membership. A quorum at a special meeting shall be 60% of the active paid membership.
- An addition/amendment to the Standing Rules may be suggested by the Executive Board or any member of the chapter.
- An addition/amendment may be adopted or rejected at any chapter meeting by a majority vote, provided the amendment has been presented and discussed at a previous meeting.
ARTICLE XI-Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order (latest edition) shall govern procedures of Gamma Chapter meetings.
ARTICLE I-Duties and Responsibilities of Officers
- The president shall:
- Check files received from predecessor to determine if all materials listed in the international handbook are included.
- Check other supplies as listed in the international handbook.
- Become familiar with her chapter duties, the procedures and program of the Society, and any business previously transacted by the chapter.
- Appoint and work through committees.
- Work with Executive Board and chapter members in planning the year’s activities.
- Preside at all meetings of the chapter and the Executive Board.
- The vice-presidents shall:
- Act in place of the president when necessary.
- Perform those duties assigned to them by the president.
- Serve when named on committees.
- The secretaries shall:
- Keep minutes of each business meeting.
- Note official actions taken, such as termination of membership by death, resignation of members, non-payment of dues, attendance at meetings, membership classifications, and summaries of treasurer’s reports.
- Maintain in alphabetical order a roll of members, noting active, reserve, or honorary, including the names of members dropped or transferred.
- Conduct all necessary correspondence of the chapter, read correspondence at meetings, and keep correspondence on file.
- The Treasurer shall:
- Receive and pay out all chapter monies.
- Have at the beginning of the fiscal year all supplies needed for chapter work, including the latest revision of the international constitution, bylaws, and handbook.
- Submit required reports to chapter membership, state treasurer, and international headquarters.
- Distribute membership cards to all members at the beginning of the year.
- The Parliamentarian shall:
- Advise all officers and members regarding matters pertaining to the constitution and parliamentary procedures, giving interpretations only when asked to do so.
- Assist in reviewing chapter constitution and bylaws (standing rules).
ARTICLE II-Duties and Responsibilities of Committees
- Society Business
- The Finance Committee shall be responsible for supervision of the financial affairs of the chapter, including the recommendation for the expenditure of funds, the preparation of a budget for adoption, conducting ways and means projects, and arranging for audits.
- The Membership Committee is responsible for:
- Encouraging members to seek suitable prospective members.
- Investigating qualifications of persons whose names have been submitted.
- Presenting to the chapter the names and qualifications of those recommended.
- Conducting the election of those recommended.
- Keeping an accurate record of those invited and their replies.
- Conducting orientation for prospective members following their invitation to membership.
- Preparing for and participating in new member initiation.
- Contacting members who are absent from meetings.
- Preparing required reports.
- Preparing for and conducting memorial services.
- The Nominating Committee members are responsible for:
- Soliciting suggestions for officers.
- Assuring that nominated persons will serve if elected.
- Presenting to the chapter in even-numbered years nominees for office.
- Preparing ballots and conducting election of officers.
- Sending immediately the names and addresses of newly elected officers to the state president.
- Filing reports of elections.
- Program of Work
- The Program Committee shall plan the year’s programs for the chapter, prepare and distribute to chapter members a yearbook noting programs, dates, and locations of meetings.
- The Personal Growth and Services Committee shall plan projects and activities related to personal growth and service to others, select the Rose of Recognition Award, and announce the award’s recipient at the February meeting.
- The Professional Affairs Committee shall develop chapter interest and participation in activities designed to improve the professional status of women educators, encouraging members to serve on local boards and commissions, participate in community decision making, and support legislative activities to improve education.
- The Research Committee shall encourage research, suggesting coordination with other chapters in cooperative research projects, inviting researchers to report at chapter meetings.
- The Music committee will be responsible for including music an integral part of programming, to enhance the appreciation of the Society’s goals and to give dignity and beauty to programs.
- Educational Services
- The Communications Committee shall:
- Support the efforts of chapter members and groups to communicate effectively with one another.
- Select opportunities to publicize information about the Society.
- Send news articles to state and local publications.
- Keep a file of state and international publications for reference.
- The Financial Aid Committee shall:
- Implement financial aid to current members, outstanding high school senior women, or worthy college women in their efforts to further their studies in education or to improve their professional status as an educator.
- Establish criteria for awarding financial aid, select recipients, and report to the chapter.
- Inform the chapter of financial aid opportunities and the deadlines for submitting applications.
- The World Fellowship Committee shall support and promote the work of the International World Fellowship at the chapter level.
- Members of special committees shall be responsible for carrying out chapter functions which are not those of any of the standing committees.