President's Page


The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International


Hello Everyone………..

Can you believe it is May already? I know the active Teachers among you are really looking forward to the summer!

What a wonderful State Convention! Xi and Omicron went far and above to welcome all of us to Winnemucca. The venue was great and the food delicious. It was wonderful seeing everyone again. Double thanks to Xi and Omicron.

More about the State Convention will be coming out in the Nevadagram.

A Very BIG congratulations to Cheryl Anderson (Delta), The Exemplary Award winner for 2024. She worked tirelessly through the Pandemic to keep DKG Nevada going strong. Thanks, Cheryl, for being our light through some very tough times.

I have attached a few things to this month’s President’s Page. The updated State Bylaws and Standing Rules are attached so everyone can get to know our State Organization’s Guide Lines. Not much has changed but we have tried to make them clearer and user friendly. I have also attached a Schedule of Events. If any last-minute changes need to be made, those members involved will be notified.

The Convention Planning Committee met Saturday, April 27, 2024 and nailed down some details. The 2025 State Convention will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 25-26, 2025. The Executive Board will meet by ZOOM two weeks prior to the Convention. On Friday, will be registration/social hour and our first session. Saturday will open with registration available from 8:00-9:00 followed by the general session, session 2 and our Celebration of Remembrance leading up to our Luncheon from 1:30-3:30 which will end our day. This new format will allow some members to cut out the cost of a hotel room. Since our awards are so important to us and truly need to be celebrated together, the Rose of Recognition and Exemplary Awards will only be presented during the in person State Convention, which will be held on odd years. The Apple Awards are a chapter award so will continue as before. We are looking to finalize the venue soon and will let you all know when we know. Our next meeting is on Friday, May 10, 2024.

Our big project for the summer is the Leadership Seminar scheduled for Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Our first ZOOM planning meeting is coming up on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 9:00am. We are seriously in need of members to help out on this committee. If you are interested in helping, please email me at or call 702-308-3489. I really want to make this seminar worthwhile for the newly elected Chapter Officers. We need to be prepared with the presentation and be able to answer their questions. A second planning meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 9:00 via ZOOM.

I have registered for the International Convention in Maryland. It is going to be a long week but I am really looking forward to attending my first International Convention. I have also bought my plane ticket on Southwest of course. (for those that don’t know it, my son is a Captain for Southwest Airlines and I would be shunned by the family if I flew anything else). I was awarded the Annie Webb Blanton Award to help out with expenses and learn as much as I can and bring it back to Nevada. Thank you all for this award.

I am getting rather long winded but before I close, a couple reminders. Look for the Convention Nevadagram in the upcoming weeks. It will tell you about all the wonderful happenings over the Convention weekend. Start putting together an article about how you celebrated Founders Day and include pictures. A special Nevadagram highlighting Founders Day events will be coming out in June.

And finally, I am here if you need me. Just email or call with your suggestions or ideas. Thanks to all of you and I will visit with you next month. Pat

Pat D (Gamma)


reviewed 5/24
