1993 – Now!



Until June 1993, Lambda was the only chapter of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International located in St. Lawrence County. On June 12, 1993, Lambda agreed to expansion and Gamma Epsilon was organized and approved by the May 1993 Pi State Convention. This chapter includes key women educators from the western and southern sections of St. Lawrence County in Northern New York state. Lambda Chapter, from which Gamma Epsilon expanded, includes members from the northern and eastern sections of the county. Members were allowed to join whichever chapter they wished, regardless of the geographic location of their places of employment.

What follows is a record of Gamma Epsilon’s activities since that founding:

The Pi State President inducted thirty-eight charter members to Gamma Epsilon at Sykes Hall on the St. Lawrence University campus in Canton, New York. Also present at the ceremony was the Pi State Expansion Chairman and several well-wishers from Lambda chapter.


A Biennium and a half!

Pi State Theme for 1993: "DREAM, DARE, DO"

Pi State Theme for 1992 -1996: "LEADERSHIP, LITERACY, LEGISLATION"

Fifteen additional Lambda members transferred membership to Gamma Epsilon effective fall 1993.
Record of Meetings and Conventions:

September 15, 1993
Location: Lakeside Restaurant, Black Lake.
Speaker: A registered nurse spoke to members on the value of exercise and diet for the working professional.

October 1-2, 1993
Location: Utica
Pi State Executive Board Meeting. Three officers attended.

October 19, 1993
Location: Roma Restaurant, Gouverneur.
'Light at the End of the Tunnel-Retirement', presented by a retired Gamma Epsilon member who was also an NYSRA officer.

December 8, 1993
Location: The Lodge, in Morristown
Program: Holiday Lights
Ogdensburg Free Academy’s Jazz Rock group performed. Members made Origami ornaments, decorated a Christmas tree and donated it to St. Joseph’s Nursing Home in Ogdensburg.

Winter Meetings:
Gouverneur - The Gouverneur group met at Gentry’s Restaurant, where their district Exchange student spoke.
Ogdensburg - A covered dish supper was held at the Winter Chair's home.
Canton - Dessert meeting at the Winter Chair's home. 'Regarding Issues of Gender Equity' was the topic for member discussion

April 14, 1994
Location: Tick Tock Restaurant, Canton.
Program: 'Prime Time Canton Middle School’s Advisorship Program', led by a Canton member and her students. Gamma Epsilon established two scholarships, one to be given to a Gamma Epsilon member for Travel and Study purposes and one to be given to a high school senior entering the field of Education. Members voted to continue giving Dictionaries to the high school Senior with the highest average planning to go into education at these nine high schools: Canton, Ogdensburg, Lisbon, Heuvelton, Hermon-DeKalb, Edwards-Knox, Hammond, Gouverneur, Clifton-Fine

May 6 - 7, 1994 - Pi State Convention

May 17, 1994
Location: Best Western Restaurant, Canton
Program: Joint Meeting with Lambda chapter. COPE consultant spoke on the topic,'Self Management: Be Good To Me'.

1994 - 1996 Biennium

September 18, 1994
Location: Sykes Formal Lounge, St. Lawrence University, Canton.
Program: Recommitment Tea. Our official guest was Pi State President. We honored past Lambda presidents that had laid the groundwork for our local chapter.

Oct. 15, 1994
Location: Silver Bay, NY YMCA Camp
Program: Northern District Meeting, attended by five chapter officers, the workshops focused on 'Learning Styles'

Oct. 24,1994
Location: Gran View, Ogdensburg.
Program: Area Assemblywoman spoke on 'Legislation and Education'.
We voted to establish a Memorial Fund in memory of recently deceased members.

Dec. 3,1994
Location: St. Lawrence Inn, Canton
Holiday Auction for scholarship fund held. Members entertained by Storyteller who presented a program entitled, 'Telling Stories'.

Winter Meetings:
Canton meeting - Canton's historian spoke on 'Sharing Canton’s History' at Tick Tock Restaurant.
Gouverneur meeting - Roma Restaurant was the site of a group dinner.
Ogdensburg meeting - The winter chair hostessed a Covered Dish Supper at her home.

March 30, 1995
Location: Southwest Tech, Fowler.
Program: Canton School District's school guidance counselor spoke on 'Effective Parenting'.

May 4 & 5, 1995
Location: Syracuse
Program: Pi State Convention. Seven members attended. Three deceased Gamma Epsilon members were recognized at Sunday morning Hour of Remembrance ceremony.

May 8, 1995
Location: Lobster House, Norwood, NY
Joint Meeting with Lambda
Each chapter agreed to donate $50 to the Women’s Center.

September 1995
Location: Hilton Hotel, Lake Placid.
Program: Northern Area Conference
“Adirondack Adventure in Education”, a delightful presentation about John Brown’s children was given by local students.

October 1, 1995
Methodist Church, Canton, NY
Program: New Member Initiation
Speaker: A female lawyer spoke on Women protecting their legal rights and nitiation of ten new members

October 20,1995
Location: Roma Restaurant, Gouverneur, NY
Program: 'Teaching, Australian Style', a chapter member presented slides from her summer-long study of schools in Australia. Part of her funding came from a Pi State grant. The president presented the DKG satin scarf given at Convention earlier that year.

November 1. 1995
Location: GranView Restaurant, Ogdensburg, NY
Program: 'Something Daring - A Dream Night'
Dinner followed by the play, 'Children of a Lesser God', an Ogdensburg Community Performance presentation at OFA.

December 9, 1995
Location: St. Lawrence Inn, Canton
Program: Holiday Brunch and Auction 'Doing it with Readers Theater', a delightful play, was presented by the Gamma Epsilon Performers.

Winter Meetings:

March 28, 1996
Location: Clearview Restaurant, Gouverneur
Program: 'Doing it with Color'. Several local female artists described how their talents had developed through public education. Chi Chapter from Watertown joined us.

1996 - Pi State Convention held in Westchester, NY.
Two officers attended.

May 16,1996
Location: Best Western Restaurant in Canton
Program: 'A Daring Woman' This was a joint Meeting held with Lambda chapter. Scholarship presentations were made and a female court Judge spoke at the meeting.

1996-1998 Biennium

September 29, 1996
Location: St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ogdensburg
Program: Officer Installation Tea, 'Retooling for the Future' was speaker's topic.
New Officers installed

October 20, 1996
Location: Gordie’s Gazebo, Malone
Program: Northern Area Council Organized. Chapters represented by officers from Lambda, Psi, Beta Mu, and Gamma Epsilon

October 29, 1996
Location: Clearview Restaurant, Gouverneur
Program: 'Parents as Partners in our Classrooms'. Speaker was member teacher who brought parents she had worked with in the past to speak to members on parent/school partnerships.
Member was honored by being asked to serve on Pi State Talent Directory Committee

December 7, 1996
Location: St. Lawrence Inn, Canton
Program: Holiday Brunch and Silent Auction

*Canton - Covered dish dinner at the Winter Chair's home
*Gouverneur - St. Lawrence - Lewis Health care presentation given at the Clearview Restaurant
*Ogdensburg - Covered dish dinner at Winter Chair's home.

The Personal Growth and Services Committee started after-school discussion groups.
* 'Out of Apples', a discussion on personal and professional renewal, held in Ogdensburg
* 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder', led by School psychologist, held at Rensselaer Falls
* 'Multiage Classroom', held in Canton.

Location: Cheney Hall, Canton College
Program: Joint meeting with Lambda Chapter
A Fulbright Foreign Exchange Teacher spoke about her experiences in Asia.

May 2 -4, 1997
Location: Rochester Marriott, Thruway
Program: Pi State Convention 'Aspiring, Acting, Achieving'
Three officers attended and the Gamma Epsilon Music Chair accompanied the Pi State Chorus.

May 19, 1997
Location: Sholette’s Restaurant in Ogdensburg
Program: 'School Secrets'
The Ogdensburg Scholarship Winner and OFA Drama Club presented AAUW play, 'School Secrets'. This program was presented with the assistance of faculty advisors who were members of Gamma Epsilon.
One member of local chapter won a Scholarship to attend the Delta Kappa Gamma Northeast Regional in Stockholm, Sweden.

July 30, 1997
Location: Two member's summer homes on the St. Lawrence River
Program: New Member Orientation

August 9, 1997
Location: Gordie’s Gazebo, Malone, NY
Program: Formal formation of Northern Area Council
Two officers of Gamma Epsilon attended. The Pi state president spoke on the organization of a Northern Area Council and the upcoming State Convention to be sponsored by our four local chapters.

August 27, 1997
Location: New York City
Program: One member attended the conference, 'Teaching about the United Nations'. Delta Kappa Gamma International was a co-sponsor of the event.

September 1997
Location: Sykes Formal Lounge, St. Lawrence University, Canton
Program: Initiation Tea with Pi State Parlimentarian our guest speaker. Thirteen new Members initiated.

September 25-26, 1997
Location: Syracuse, NY
Program: Executive Board Meeting
Theme: 'GAIN, RETAIN, RECLAIM!'. Three officers attended.

October 18, 1997
Location: Lake Placid Hilton Resort
Program: The Northern Area Council. Pi State President presented program on founding members of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
Five members of Gamma Epsilon attended.

October 1997
Location: Elegant Frog restaurant in Canton
Program: 'The Politics of Education; Mohawk Reservation'.
Late initiation ceremony held for two members following dinner.
Speaker: The winner of the 1997 Friend of Education Award for Pi State

November 22, 1997
Location: GranView Restaurant, Ogdensburg.
Program:'Travels in Scandinavia'. Our Scholarship member attended the Northeast Regional Convention in Stockholm, Sweden in July 1997 and shared pictures and memories of her trip. We held our holiday silent auction at this meeting.

Winter Meetings:

March 20, 1998 - Gamma Epsilon Chapter received word a member's fractal painting would be featured on the Winter 1998 cover of the Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin.

March 28, 1998
Location: Gentry’s Clam Cove, Gouverneur
Program: 'Fascinating Geography', program presented by a member.
We all learned how to do the Macarena!

April 1998
Location: The Commons, Fort Drum, NY
Program: Gamma Epsilon members were guests of Watertown's Chi Chapter for a display of crafts by members and others of the area.

May 1-2, 1998
Location: Radisson Centre, Utica
Program: Executive Training. Our scholarship winner presented a program about her trip to Scandinavia and the Northeast Regional Convention in Stockholm, Sweden.
One of our deceased chapter members remembered at the Sunday Hour of Remembrance.

May 1998
Location: Best Western in Canton
Program: The chapter's scholarship Winner was announced and Officer Installation was held
Speaker: The area's Assemblywoman addressed the group and new officers were installed. Kappa Chapter from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada joined us for a truly international evening. It was decided to recognize our retirees as they reach this point in their professional careers. One member was so recognized. A member won the Travel and Study Award. She will visit schools in England and Scotland in September.

1998 - 2000 Biennium

Pi State Theme for 1998-2000: "COLLABORATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMIT"

October 2-3, 1998
Location: Regency, Binghamton
Program: Pi State Executive Training One of our members served as timekeeper for the business meeting. The next president also attended the training.

October 7,1998
Location: Partridge Run, Canton
Program: 'Safety for Women and Children' presented by the director of Renewal House.
A Covered Dish dinner was provideded by Canton members.
Children’s books were collected and donated to Renewal House.

October 24,1998
Location: Thatcher Hall, SUNY Potsdam
Program: 'Happy 50th Birthday, Lambda Chapter!'. Gamma Epsilon members were invited to join Lambda celebrating the occasion of their 50th birthday. Pi State First Vice-President joined us at the festivities. Lambda’s 50 year history was presented to Pi State and Gamma Epsilon was also given a copy, since many of our members first joined The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International through the Lambda Chapter.
One of Gamma Epsilon's members was selected to design the state Web Page.

December 5, 1998
Location: GranView Restaurant, Ogdensburg
Program: Holiday songs and eager bidding filled the air with holiday festivity at the annual Holiday Brunch Buffet and Silent Auction.

Winter Meetings
*Canton - Unfortunately this winter meeting was cancelled due to few reservations.
*Gouverneur winter Chair hosted our meeting and the Public Librarian was chosen to be Gouverneur'sRed Rose nominee.
*Ogdensburg winter chair hosted Covered Dish supper at which two Red Rose nominees were selected.

March 25, 1999
Location:Gouverneur High School
Program: 'Sisters, Surfing the Web', a program to acclimate members with the internet, was led by Gamma Epsilon member currently servings as both Gamma Epsilon and Pi State Webmistress. Chi Chapter joined us. One of our members won an Apple cookie jar at the Pi State Raffle drawing. The Professional Growth and Services Committee announced plans for a Birthday Book Club. Once a year, at the meeting nearest her birthday, each member is asked to donate a children’s book. Books will then be donated to a worthy children’s program in our area.

May 11, 1999
Location: University Treadway Inn, Canton
Program: 'Founders Day - 70th Anniversary', Awards Ceremony held. A Founders Ceremony was conducted and each guest received a special momento of the occasion. The Scholarship Presentation was made to a senior student from Lisbon Central School. Nine new Members were Initiated.

May 14–16, 1999
Location: Peek and Peak Resort, Clymer, NY
Program: Pi State Convention. Five Gamma Epsilon members attended the Convention. Members had the opportunity to tour Chatauqua area. One of our recently deceased members was remembered at Sunday's Hour of Remembrance Ceremony.

September 26. 1999
Location: Frederic Remington Museum, Ogdensburg
Program: Red Rose Reception
Our chapter ecognized three Friends of Education

October 12, 1999
Location: Canton College, Canton, NY
Program: 'Creating A Safe and Caring Environment for All Students' program given by a member, who spoke on the power teachers have to discourage hateful talk that can be so detrimental to minority students, whether due to race, religion, nationality, sexual preference or gender bias. Materials from PFLAG were available to members and a video was shown.

December 11, 1999
Location: GranView Restaurant, Ogdensburg
Program: Holiday Brunch and Silent Auction to benefit Pi State Scholarship Fund was held. Memories of her trip to England and Scotland were shared with the membership by one of Gamma Epsilon's traveling members.

January 14, 2000
Our chapter president attended a conference on 'Educating for the Culture for Peace in the New Millennium', held at the United Nations in New York City, co-sponsored by Delta Kappa Gamma.

Winter Meetings:
*Canton - Meeting held at the Winter Chair’s home. An authority on the artist Frederic Remington spoke on 'Remington in Canton'.
*Gouverneur - The Winter chair hostessed the meeting, which was held at the president’s home.
*Ogdensburg - The Winter chair held a Covered Dish Dinner at her home.

March 27, 2000
Location: Clearview Restaurant, Gouverneur
Program: 'Financial Planning for Women' presented by a speaker from Tucker Anthony, Inc.

April 25, 2000
Location: The Elks Club, Carthage
Program: Gamma Epsilon joined Watertown Chi Chapter for an old-fashioned meeting called, 'Return to the Past'. Chi members prepared boxed desserts and members bid on them. Proceeds were used to support their scholarship funds. Members dressed as original Delta Kappa Gamma members did for meetings; dresses, hats, and, of course, gloves! Five Gamma Epsilon members attended.

May 11, 2000
Location: University Inn, Canton
Program: Scholarship Winners and Installation of Officers. Members voted to change from dictionary presentations to gift certificates at the SLU Bookstore. The High School Scholarship Winner was from Lisbon. Officers for 2000 – 2002 Biennium were initiated. Three Retirees were acknowledged. Five travel and study grant scholarships were awarded to attend the Delta Kappa Gamma International Convention in Toronto.

May 13, 2000
Location: Marriott Hotel, Rochester
Program: Pi State Executive Meeting
At this meeting, attended by two Gamma Epsilon members, our past president was selected to serve as the Northern Area Council chair.

2000 - 2002 Biennium

July 19, 2000
Location: The Crossroads, Moira, NY
Program: Northern Regional Conference, 'Sharing the Past, Shaping the Future', presented by speaker from SUNY Potsdam, who spoke on Laura Ingalls Wilder. Optional afternoon tours of the real "Farmer Boy" Home in Burke, NY were offered. The conference was attended by five members.

July 25 - 29, 2000
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Program: International Convention held at the Toronto Convention Center. Attended by five Gamma Epsilonmembers, who enjoyed informative and helpful workshops and fun-filled evenings at the theater and outstanding restaurants.

September 20, 2000
Location: St. Lawrence Inn, Canton
Program: 'What’s New at the Teachers’ Center' was the topic of the program presented by the new Director of The St. Lawrence Valley Teachers’ Center. One of our members had an autumn poem published in the Fall issue of The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin.

September 27-28, 2000
Location: Albany, NY
Program: Pi State Executive Board. Two Gamma Epsilon members attended. A representative from the League of Women Voters made a memorable presentation.

Location: Freight House, Ogdensburg.
A League of Women Voters speaker presented a program entitled, 'Take a Friend to Vote'.

December 2, 2000
Location: Clearview Restaurant, Gouverneur
Program: The Scholarship Benefit Silent Auction and a joyous Sing-Along of holiday Music, led by music chair kicked off our holiday season. The Music Committee’s Arts Guide to the Area was presented to chapter members.

Winter Meetings:
*Canton - The Winter Chair had a covered dish dinner at her home.
*Gouverneur - The Winter Chair scheduled a March 15, 2001 dinner for members at Gentry’s Clam Cove.
*Ogdensburg - Covered Dish Dinner at the Winter Chair’s home was held February 13, 2001

April 23, 2001
Location: Gentry’s, Gouverneur
Program: 'ProMaya Project' a program presented by a teacher who lived and worked among the Mayans.

April 27 - 29, 2001
Location: Corning, NY
Program: Pi State Convention - Five members attended. Optional tours of Corning Glass works and Mark Twain’s summer home in Elmira were offered.

June 5, 2001
Location: Phoebe’s, Canton, NY
Program: New Member Initiation included thirteen new members. Five Retirees were honored.The annual High School Senior Scholarship Winner was from Morristown Central School.

September 8, 2001
Location: Sykes Formal Lounge, St. Lawrence University, Canton
Program: Red Rose Tea and New Member Initiation ceremony
'Friends of Education' were recognized and given awards. One new member was inducted.

September 22-23, 2001
Executive Training, Holiday Inn - Liverpool, NY, was attended by two members.

October 20, 2001
Location: Hilton Conference, Lake Placid
Program: Northern Area Conference
'Steps Toward Convention Planning' for the May 2003 Pi State Convention. A Gamma Epsilon past-president was chosen to serve as the Conference chair. This meeting was attended by 12 Gamma Epsilon members. The Pi State President spoke. Several members took an afternoon Adirondack train ride from Saranac Lake and Lake Placid on the historic route.

December 1, 2001
Location: Clearview Restaurant, Gouverneur
Program: 'Make It, Bake It or Fake It!' was the name of this year's Holiday Auction to Benefit the Scholarship Fund and World Fellowship Fund. The History Committee presented the initial version of 'Gamma Epsilon’s History 1993 - Now!' to members for their input.

*Canton - Covered Dish Dinner at the Winter Chair’s home. A published author spoke on how to have your work published
*Gouverneur - A dinner for members was held at Clearview Restaurant.
*Ogdensburg - A Covered Dish Dinner was held at the Winter Chair’s home.

January 2002 - A member had a sketch published on the cover of the Winter issue of The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, and another member was selected Pi State Committee Chair of Expansion

April 3, 2002
Location: Deerfield Inn, Ogdensburg
Program: A nurse spoke on 'Reducing Stress'.
Election of officers took place.

April 19 - 20, 2002
Location: RIT Conference Center, Rochester
Program: Pi State Executive Meeting, attended by three members.
Gamma Epsilon won a Scrapbook award for having put together an outstanding scrapbook. A Gamma Epsilon member won the 'Bountiful Baskets' Raffle, a handcrafted garden table and basket of gardening related items.

June 3, 2002
Location: Phoebe’s, Canton.
Program: This meeting included installation of new officers for the 2002-2004 Biennium. Recognition was given to retiring members. Presentation of annual Scholarship was awarded to a senior from Hammond, NY.

2002 - 2004 Biennium

Sept. 22, 2002 - Remington Museum, Ogdensburg
Red Rose Tea and Friends of Education Awards presentation

Oct.19, 2002 - SUNY Potsdam
Tour of the New Sheard Literacy Center

Nov. 23, 2002 - Ramada Inn, Ogdensburg
Annual Christmas Program and Silent Auction to benefit the Pi State Scholarship Fund

April 8, 2003 - ClearView Restaurant, Gouverneur
Program outlining the Pi State Convention in Lake Placid

May 1 – 4, 2003 - State Convention at the Hilton Hotel in Lake Placid, NY.
Gamma Epsilon took great pride in serving as one of the hosting chapters for this wonderful convention.

June 4, 2003 - Best Western, Canton
Initiation and Scholarship presentation at Best Western, Canton

September 21, 2003 - SUNY Canton
Red Rose Tea and Awards Ceremony at the SUNY Canton Campus Center

October 21, 2003 - Clearview Restaurant, Gouverneur
Keeping Your Brain Sharp with Jerry Peters,speaker

Sat. Dec. 6, 2003 - Granview Restaurant, Ogdensburg Holiday Brunch and Silent Auction to benefit the Pi State Scholarship Fund

2004 - 2006 Biennium

Saturday, November 19,2005
Location: GranView Restaurant, Ogdensburg, NY
Program: Scholarship Brunch and Silent Auction

January, February, March - Winter Meetings

May 16, 2006
Location: The Lodge Restaurant, Morristown, NY
Program: Meeting on Literacy

April 20, 2006
Location: McCarthy's Restaurant, Canton, NY
Program: Women's Wellness - Mammography

June 14, 2006
Location: Best Western Canton, NY
Program: Installation of Officers and Introduction of Scholarship Winners. Emily Badlam, Alyssa Farrell, Liza LaRock of Ogdensburg, and Mallory Emrich of Gouverneur were scholarship recipients.

2006 - 2008 Biennium

August 12, 2006 - Hosted the Northern Area Regional Conference at the Remington Museum in Ogdensburg, NY.
Co-chairs: Diane Dailey and Ann Groome
Program: A Step Back in Time With a Look to the Future
Speakers: Joan Slagle, Pi State First Vice-President; Olive Horning, as Corrie ten Boom

September 27, 2006 - Met at newly built Hospice/Palliative Care Facility in Potsdam, NY
Hostesses: Patty Bell, Ann Groome and Jennifer Bell
Program: Health Care in St. Lawrence County and tour of the facility.
Speaker: Sue Cappione, Director of Patient Services

October 25, 2006 - Chapter dinner
Location: Clearview Restaurant in Gouverneur, NY
Hostesses: Anne Audet, Roxann Finley, Dawn Streeter and Romayne Hartshorn
Program: Legislation and Education
Speaker: Assemblyman Darryl Aubertine

November 18, 2006 - Chapter "HOLIDAY BRUNCH" meeting
Location: GranView Restaurant in Ogdensburg, NY.
Hostesses: Judy Doan, Sandy Plimpton, Karlyen Manke and Joan Wiggins.
Program: Annual Silent Auction to support the Chapter Scholarship Fund.

Winter Area Meetings.
February 7, 2007 - Joint Canton and Ogdensburg Areas Meeting
Location: Chris Fay's Restaurant in Waddington, NY.
Winter Chair: Diane Dailey
Program: Winter "Get-together" and new member nominations.

March 28, 2007 - Chapter dinner meeting
Location: 1844 House in Canton, NY
Hostesses: Charlotte Garafalo, Vicky Bartholomew and Cindy Wells
Program: Writing and publishing children's literature - Laurie's experiences
Speaker: Laurie Swinwood.

May 30, 2007 - Chapter Scholarship dinner meeting
Location: The Lodge in Morristown, NY
Hostesses: Jane Silver, Joanne Stickler, Beth Freiderich.
Program: Scholarship presentations for graduating seniors going into the field of education
Speaker: Jane Tanner, Pi State Treasurer

2008 - 2010 Biennium

August 12, 2008, several members attended the Northern Area Regional Conference at the Wild Center in Tupper Lake, NY

September 23, 2008 the Gamma Epsilon Executive Board Meeting was held at GranView Restaurant in Ogdensburg, NY.

A Joint Birthday Celebration for Lambda and Gamma Epsilon was held on October 5, 2008 at The Church of the Visitation Parish Center in Norfolk, NY
Gamma Epsilon members Patty Bell, Pat Washburn and Joyce Yianoukos assisted Lambda members in hostessing the meeting. A program was given celebrating of our long history together and as separate Chapters. Pi State Representative, Jane Tanner, addressed the gathering.

November 22, 2008, the annual chapter "Holiday Brunch" and Silent Auction was held at the GranView Restaurant in Ogdensburg, NY.
Joan Wiggins and Sandy Plimpton conducted the annual Silent Auction to support our Chapter Scholarship Fund. A recognition of Red Rose Recipients ceremony was observed by chairpersons Ann Groome and Diane Dailey.

January 27, 2009 the Gouverneur Winter meeting was held at Gentry's in Gouverneur.
Charlotte Garafalo and Mercuria Centofanti, Winter Chairs, arranged the winter "Get Together". New ideas for community projects and new teacher nominations for prospective membership were made.

January 31, 2009 - Four Gamma Epsilon members attended the UN Conference in New York City

February 4, 2009 a Joint Winter Dinner Meeting was held for Canton and Ogdensburg Areas at Sandy Plimpton's home.
Ann Groome assisted Sandy with the dinner and the winter 'Get Together' perused new ideas and new member nominations.

March 24, 2009, we had a Dinner Meeting at Clarkson University's Cheel Center in Potsdam, NY.
Hostesses Pat Washburn and Betty Mallott organized the meeting and Ellen Grayson spoke on "Mission to Malawi, Africa"

April 28, 2009 a dinner meeting was held at McCarthy's Restaurant, Canton, NY.
Sharen Gendebien, Cindy Wells, Allison Wheeler, and Sheely Grant-Robinson hostessed. We enjoyed a program presented by Bob and Allison Wheeler and five AFS students visiting the US. The program was An Overview of American Field Service Foreign Students' Program (AFS)".

May 16, 2009 - Officers and Committee Chairs held a Planning Meeting at President, Joyce Yianoukos's, house

Our final meeting of the school year was held on May 27, 2009 at Mullins Restaurant in Gouverneur.
Following the Dinner Meeting, hostessed by Ann Audet and Romayne Hartshorn, members were treated to a program called, "Nutrition and Healthy Eating - Reading Food Labels". Public Health Educator, Laurie Maki, spoke.

Our first meeting of the '09-10 school year was held October 4, 2009. An Afternoon Tea ws held at Clarkson Inn, Potsdam, NY.
Ellen Grayson, Sandy Plimpton and Patty Bell hostessed the meeting. A Program on the SOAR program, a SUNY Potsdam Organization dedicated to lifelong learning was presented by Neil Johnson. Following the program, new member initiation was held.

November 21, 2009 our Annual Holiday Brunch was held at the GranView Restaurant, in Ogdensburg, NY.
Hostesses Joan Wiggins, Ann Groome, and Cindy Wilson conducted a Silent Auction to support Scholarship Fund

This year's Winter planning meetings were held in Ogdensburg and Gouverneur.
Ogdensburg's Pat Washburn, Allison Wheeler, and Brenda Trivilino arranged a pot luck dinner which was followed by a program on "Garden Share".

On April 28, 2010, Charlotte Garofalo, Mary Dixon, and Sue Cartwright hostessed a dinner meeting at Mullins' Restaurant, Gouverneur NY.
Following dinner a program, "Fair Trade", was enjoyed.

May 24, 2010, Nancy Siegel, Diane Dailey, and Lisa Smithers hostessed a dinner meeting at Clarkson University's Cheel Center.
Following dinner 25 year members were recognized and new officers were initiatiated. Pi State Officers, Rose Ann Hickey and Beryl Szwed, attended the dinner meeting. Beryl spoke about the Spokane Convention she had just returned from and Rose Ann presented a program entitled, "Laughter As A Stress Relief".

July 31, 2010, Lambda chapter hosted the Summer Northern Area Council Meeting at a luncheon at Thatcher Dining Hall on the SUNY Potsdam campus.
Following the luncheon members were treated to a delightful live presentation of "Annie" at SUNY Potsdam

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Gamma Epsilon Officers
Pi State


Last update September 4, 2010