The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Pi State - New York

     Lambda Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
founded on October 23, 1948 at the home of former Beta Chapter
member, Marion Gibson. Miss Gibson and Miss Gladys Mersereau, immediate
president of Pi State, conducted the initiation ceremony for the charter
members who included:

                                              Nelle Brumelle
                                              Doris Cole
                                              Margaret Gollaher
                                              Mary Hall
                                              Patience Haggard
                                              Ruth Noxon
                                              Winnifred Ramsdell
                                              Catherine Roberts
                                              Margaret Stevenson
                                              Mildred Stiles
                                              Pauline Weller
                                              Elsie Willard

    Miss Weller was chosen temporary chairman and Miss Brumelle was
selected to be treasurer. 
    At the first regular meeting in Potsdam in December, Miss Gibson and
Doris Stout, formerly of Beta Chapter in Ohio and then at St. Lawrence
University, were affiliated and signed the charter, thus qualifying as charter
 members of Lambda. Charter officers chosen at this meeting were:

                                              President- Pauline Weller
                                              Vice President- Marion Gibson
                                              Secretary- Doris Cole
                                              Treasurer- Nelle Brumelle
                                              Parliamentarian- Elsie Willard

     It was tentatively decided to include St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties
Lambda Chapter's territory and to have four meetings a year.  The members 
newly formed chapter became active very early, attending State
Conventions, working to plan the 1952 State Convention when they were not
 four years old, and contributing to various scholarship funds at the state
and local levels.
     In 1954, Lambda members decided to have six, rather than four,
meetings a year.  The 1958-1960 biennium marked many accomplishments
for the group.  Members attended their first Regional Workshop, made
raising funds for scholarships a priority, witnessed one of its members,
Nelle Brumelle, become First Vice-President of Pi State, began the practice
of having an Executive Board meeting in the late spring or early summer to
plan the next year's program, and helped with luncheon arrangements for
the 1960 Pi State Convention.  Mildred Taft was also appointed Pi State
Chairman of the Scholarship Committee for 1960-1962.
     Lambda members continued to serve at the state and local level for the
next three decades, with new members being initiated on a regular basis. 
By the end of 1991, membership had grown to 129, making Lambda the
largest chapter in the state.At the 1992 State Convention, discussion was
held concerning the restructuring of Lambda and a committee to study
expansion was set up.  As a result, the Committee recommended that
Lambda apply to sponsor a new chapter (Gamma Epsilon) in the spring of
1993.  A motion to do so was presented and passed at the State 
Convention in 1993.
     On June, 12, 1993, the expansion meeting was held at Sykes Hall, St.
Lawrence University in Canton, NY.  Anne Marie Carlson, past President of
Pi State, Pat Padykula, Expansion Chairperson, and Evadna Crawford,
Assistant Treasurer,were in attendance as the expansion chapter, Gamma
Epsilon, was formed.  Members were allowed to join whichever chapter they
wished, regardless of the geographic location of their places of employment.
     After the expansion, Lambda Chapter was left with 53 members from the 
northern and eastern sections of St. Lawrence County.  Our current membership 
includes 40 active and retired educators who represent 16 educational
     At the Fall Pi State Executive Board Meeting in September 2003, Lambda 
Chapter was presented a certificate of appreciation for its 50 years of
dedication to the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.  The fact that
its current members continue to serve with the same dedication and positive
attitude that its charter members and those of the past did, has contributed to Lambda's success over this period of time.

1948-1951:  Pauline Weller
1952-1954:  Doris Cole
1954-1956:  Nelle Brumelle
1956-1958:  Margaret Nulty
1958-1960:  Mary Bundy
1960-1962:  Mildred Stiles
1962-1964:  Mildred Taft
1964-1966:  Pauline Weller
1966-1968:  Erma White
1968-1970:  Mary Katner
1970-1972:  Mary Jo Whalen
1972-1974:  Lucille Segar
1974-1976:  Georgianna Wranesh
1976-1978:  Joan Johnson
1978-1980:  Agnes Hudson
1980-1982:  Naomi Balukjian
1982-1984:  Rita Murphy
1984-1986:  Maureen Regan
1986-1988:  Lennelle McKinnon
1988-1990:  Betsy Northrup
1990-1992:  Judith Liscum
1992-1994:  Kathleen Smithberg
Kathleen Smithberg
1996-1998:  Carol Opdyke
1998-2000:  Suella Young
2000-2002:  Mary VanLeuven
2002-2004:  Kristina Kowalchuk
2004-2006:  Molly Pressey
2006-2008:  Sue Marquart

2008-2010:  Mary-Ellen Todd
2010-2012:  Patricia Fanning
 Rachelle Romoda
2014-2016:  Patricia Fanning
2016-2018:  Stephanie Allen



Updated 08/11/2018