Phi Chapter of Tennessee of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
The name of the chapter shall be Phi of Xi State Tennessee of
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
The purposes of Phi Chapter shall be:
Section A. To promote the purposes of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Section B. To cooperate with Xi State Tennessee in state projects, etc.
Section A. Invitation
Membership shall be by invitation only. Invitations to membership shall be sent
immediately after the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1, with the stipulation
that replies must be received within thirty (30) days. In the event a reply is not
received within the designated time, an invitation shall be sent to the next person
in line with the same stipulation.
Section B. Classification
The membership of Phi Chapter shall be composed of active, reserve,
and honorary members within the boundaries of the chapter area.
1. An active member shall be a woman who is employed in
educational work at the time of her election or who has been retired from an
educational position. An active member shall participate in the activities of the Society.
Candidates for membership shall be voted upon in chapter meeting by preferential ballot.
2. Reserve membership shall be granted only to those who are unable to participate fully
in the activities of the chapter because of physical disability and/or geographic location.
Reserve status shall be granted by a majority vote of the chapter. A reserve member
may be restored to active membership by notifying the current treasurer of her desire
and full payment of her dues.
3. Honorary members shall be women not eligible for active memberships who have
rendered notable service to education or to women and are elected to honorary
membership in recognition of such service. They shall be privileged to participate in all
activities except that of holding office. Candidates for honorary membership shall be
voted upon in chapter meeting by ballot and by four-fifths of the ballots cast.
Section C. Termination of membership
1. Reasons for termination of membership include non-payment of dues, resignation,
or death.
2. A complete record of all members of Phi Chapter that have been terminated shall be
maintained by the membership chairman. The record shall include the reason and date of
termination. The chapter shall file letters of resignation.
Section D. Reinstatement
A former member may be restored to active membership in the chapter upon full
payment of current dues if reinstated before April 1.
Section E. Transfers
An active member in good standing or reserve member shall be transferred from one
chapter to another upon notification to the International Headquarters.
Section F. Duties and obligations of members
1. Attend chapter meetings
2. Pay dues by October meeting
3. Purchase key and wear it correctly
4. Participate in chapter activities
5. Attend State Convention if at all possible
Section G. Number of Candidates
Every effort should be made for the number of qualified candidates invited for
membership to equal at least 5% of the current membership. “Current membership”
means the total number of Phi Chapter members on roll at the time of new member
Section A. Initiation Fee of $10 shall be required of all members except honorary members.
(Paid only once even if reinstated.)
Section B. Annual dues and fees (as of March, 2010)
1. Annual dues shall be $20.00. This is in addition to $40.00 International, plus $14.00
Xi State , plus $1.00 scholarship fees, making total regular active membership dues
$75.00. Reserve membership dues include $7.00 local, $20.00 International, $7.00 Xi
State, plus $1.00 scholarship fee, making a total of $35.00. Honorary members pay no
dues. The chapter pays a onetime fee of $50.00 for publications at initiation.
2. Chapter annual dues shall be determined by chapter.
3. Annual dues and scholarship fees shall be paid by each active and reserve member
between July 1 and October 31 of each year. On November 1 members who have not
paid shall be dropped for nonpayment of dues.
4. All dues and fees shall be collected by the chapter treasurer. State and International
dues and fees shall be forwarded to State treasurer.
5. Collections for special funds such as but not to Golden Gift, World Fellowship, and
Emergency Fund) shall be by voluntary contributions. The chapter shall determine other
ways of fund raising which the members approve as regular business items.
6. The chapter members may consider monetary assessments for
themselves through regular motions during business meetings. These assessments shall
be approved by a majority vote. Reserve members are exempt from paying these
Section C. Financial Control
1. The Finance Committee shall submit a proposed chapter budget annually for adoption
by the Executive Board.
2. All requests for reimbursement of expenses not specified in the budget for an individual
or a committee need shall be approved by the president and must be in accordance with
chapter budget limitations.
3. All expense vouchers or receipts shall be signed by the president before payment is
made by the treasurer. Checks shall be signed by the treasurer.
4. The report of the annual audit of the Finance Committee shall be made to the chapter
5. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 through June 30.
Section A. Elected chapter officers shall be a president, first vice-president, second vice-president,
recording secretary and corresponding secretary. Other officers shall be a treasurer selected
by the Executive Board each biennium and a parliamentarian appointed by the president.
Section B. Duties
1. The President shall
A. act as presiding officer at regular and called meetings and direct activities of the chapter
B. act as chair of the Executive Board
C. appoint a parliamentarian
D. appoint standing and special committees (e.g., ad hoc, task force) and assign members to such
E. serve as member on all committees except nominations
F. approve all expenses for reimbursement not covered by a committee budget
G. approve publications
H. fill by appointment all vacancies in office
I. represent the chapter at meetings, conferences, and other events
J. take action with advice and approval of the Executive Board on matters that cannot be
deferred until the next meeting
K. complete a short report of her biennium for the official chapter history
L. annually coordinates both county school calendars to facilitate meeting schedules
M. serve on the chapter finance committee to develop an annual budget and supervise appropriate disbursement
N. execute with the treasurer and Executive Board authorized legal documents pertaining to the chapter
O. complete Society and Xi State reports as requested
P. serves as member of Xi State Executive Board at Xi State Convention and as needed
2. The First Vice-President shall
A. serve as presiding officer in the absence of the president. In the event of the resignation or death of the
president she shall succeed to the presidency and serve until the next regular election of officers.
B. serves as the Program Chairman, working with the president and chairs of various committees to develop
programs for each year of the biennium.
C. serves as Yearbook Chairman, making every attempt to annually present each member with current and
correct information regarding chapter members and Society business. Yearbooks will usually be distributed no
later than the October Initiation Banquet and before then if possible.
D. provides copies of current yearbook to appropriate Xi State officials.
E. performs such other duties as the president or Executive Board shall assign her.
3. The Second Vice-President shall
A. serve as presiding officer in the absence of both the president and the first vice president. In the event of the
resignation or death of either the president or the first vice president, she shall succeed to the office of first vice
president and shall serve until the next regular election of officers.
B. serve as Membership Chairman, maintaining current information on members, files on terminated members
documenting reason for termination, maintaining a file of letters of resignations, periodic up-dates on member
vitas and current necrology records
C. with help from membership committee develop and present an orientation /reorientation program for initiates
at the September meeting
D. with input from the Executive Board and membership committee plan and arrange the initiation service,
initiation banquet, and speaker for October meeting
E. complete Society and Xi State reports as requested
F. perform such other duties as the president or Executive Board shall assign her
4. The Recording Secretary shall
A. keep minutes of each meeting and furnish the president with a copy of such minutes
B. serve as secretary to the Executive Board and keep minutes of those meetings
C. read at each meeting minutes as recorded from previous meetings and correct if necessary
5. The Corresponding Secretary shall
A. read at each meeting such correspondence as delegated to her by the president
B. carry on such correspondence as may be delegated to her by the president.
6. The Treasurer shall
A. receive and pay out all monies belonging to the chapter
B. keep an accurate account of receipts and expenditures
C. maintain a record of receipts, bills, and bank statements
D. present a report at each regular meeting
E. file required tax reports
F. submit for annual audit/financial review the accounts of the chapter
G. serve on the Executive Board
H. serve on the Financial Committee as a consultant in the process of annual budget development and
disbursement of finances
I. report to the President regarding members delinquent in dues payment
J. complete Society and Xi State reports as requested
7. The Parliamentarian shall
A. act as advisor to officers and chapter members in matters pertaining to interpretation of the Constitution
and parliamentary usage
B. serve as non-voting member of Executive Board
Section C. Terms of office
1. Chapter officers, except the treasurer and parliamentarian shall be elected in even-numbered years by a majority vote.
2. The term of each elected officer shall be two years. No officer except the treasurer, shall serve in the same office
more than two terms in succession.
3. All officers shall take office on the first of July following their installation.
Section D. Vacancies
In the event that a member holding an elective or appointed position is unable to perform her duties, the position shall be
declared vacant by the Executive Board, and a successor named by the president.
Section E. Nominations and elections
1. A Nomination Committee is elected each biennium. The president appoints the chairman of the committee.
2. The Nominations Committee shall select and present in election years a report containing the name of at least one
nominee for each of the following: president, first vice president, second vice president, recording secretary,
corresponding secretary, and at least three names for the new nominations committee.
3. The committee chairman reports the nomination slate at the chapter meeting prior to the Xi State new officers‘
training meeting as announced each biennium by State officers. Additional nominations may be made from the floor
with the consent of the nominee.
4. Election shall be by ballot and a majority of votes cast elects. If there is only one nominee for an office the election
may be made by voice vote.
5. The Nomination Committee shall prepare the ballot and conduct the election. The president shall appoint tellers to
count the ballots.
Section A. Members
The members of the Executive Board shall be the elected officers and the immediate past president. The treasurer and
parliamentarian shall be ex-officio members, without vote. The Executive Board shall meet at least two times per year
and may meet at other times at the call of the president.
Section B. Duties
The Executive Board shall
1. select the treasurer for the biennium.
2. act for the membership in matters requiring immediate decision/action.
3. recommend policies/procedures for consideration by members.
4. establish procedures for budget development and approval and for the supervision of chapter finances.
5. Review and if needed modify budget for adoption by chapter.
6. With input from the president, determine schedule and location for regular meetings.
Section C. Quorum
A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of the board.
ARTICLE VII. COMMITTEES (listed in two groups: Society Business and Mission and Purposes)
Section A. Society business Committees shall be:
A. President and treasurer ex-officio
B. Prepare proposed annual budget
C. Conduct audit
A. Second Vice-president is chairman.
B. Necrology and membership records shall be the responsibility of this committee.
C. Orientation/reorientation-usually the program for the September meeting prior to October initiation banquet
D. Initiation and banquet-usually held in October
E. Responsible for new member elections.
3. NOMINATIONS --not appointed-- elected. See ARTICLE V, Section E
A. Draw up and revise chapter rules for consideration of and approval by chapter members. (ARTICLE IX).
B. Review and modify rules once per biennium for compatibility with Xi State Bylaws and International Constitution.
A. The committee shall provide photos and reports of Chapter activities to county papers and to the Scrapbook Committee.
B. Special news should be sent to XI State Editor for XI STATE NEWS.
C. This committee is responsible for chapter newsletter.
Section B. Mission and Purposes Committees
A. First Vice-president is chairman.
B. This committee incorporates elements of program, professional affairs, music, and yearbook responsibilities.
This incorporates elements of the State Educational Excellence Committee, specifically research and other state projects
including but not limited to activities of Founders Day, CIEC (Children's International Educational Centers), and Literacy.
This incorporates elements of the State Educational Excellence Committee, specifically but not limited to the support and
promotion of International projects, World Fellowship, and Schools for Africa.
A. The Legislation Committee shall study and recommend action in the field of legislation to improve education and the
status of women educators.
B. They shall encourage members to attend the Legislative Seminar, determine the number attending, and make arrangements
for hotel room(s) accordingly.
A. This committee shall inform members Delta Kappa Gamma scholarships and strive to get applicants.
B. They shall disseminate applications regarding Phi's local Scholarships to the schools within the chapter's area and
choose one qualified winner from among each county's applicants.
This committee shall design and implement projects to encourage members to participate in activities for personal
growth and to enhance their skills in visual and performing arts.
This committee shall promote the increase in knowledge of technology for all members and may aid in
maintaining the chapter website.
Section C. Special committees shall be:
This committee shall collect photos, news articles, and other materials to record and document accomplishments
of the Chapter and its members during each biennium (for presentation to the outgoing president). (May be in CD form.)
This committee (divided by county) shall serve as coordinators of refreshments for meetings or as requested by the
president or the program committee.
With the approval of the Executive Board the president shall appoint ad hoc committees which have specific short
term goals.
Section D. General Procedures
1. The president shall serve as ex officio member of all committees except the Nominations Committee.
2. Committee meetings shall be held with knowledge and approval of the president.
3. Committee action may be taken by mail, phone, e-mail, etc. with all committee members having been notified.
4. Committee chairmen shall prepare and submit reports as requested by the chapter president or Xi State personnel.
Roberts' Rules of Order Revised shall be followed.
Section A. Presentation of Amendments
Proposals for amendments shall be presented to the membership thirty (30) days before the time upon which it is to
be voted or at least one meeting prior to the vote.
Section B. Votes required for Passage
Proposed amendments shall pass with two-thirds approval of the members present at the next regular meeting
following thirty days' notice or at least the following meeting after the amendment was proposed.
Section C. Amended/updated Chapter rules shall be provided each member at least once every six years.
Section A. Memorials
Fifty dollars ($50) from the treasury shall be used for flowers or a memorial gift selected by the county members
or individuals wish to do something more, it shall be separate rather than a part of the chapter's flowers or gift.
Section B. Banquet/Dinner Reservations
Each member is responsible for paying for dinner or banquet if reservation has been sent in and the member is
unable to attend.
Section C. Expenses to Conventions/conferences
1. State Convention
The chapter shall pay in full the expenses of the president to attend Xi State Convention each year while
in office. The chapter shall pay one half of the convention package for the incoming president to attend Xi State.
2. Southeastern Regional Conference (held in odd numbered years)
The Chapter shall pay cost of conference package plus $100 (for transportation or meals not included in
conference package) for president or her designee(s).
3. International Convention (held in even numbered years)
The Chapter shall pay cost of convention package plus $100 (for transportation or meals not included in
conference package) for out-going president or her designee(s).
4. Xi State Legislative Seminar
The Chapter shall pay the total equivalent of overnight lodging expenses for one room for Legislation
Committee members and any other members who attend the seminar.
Section A.
Regular meetings shall be held at least four (4) times per year.
Section B.
A quorum (indicating enough members present to conduct the business of the chapter) shall be one half of
the membership present plus one.
***THESE RULES REVIEWED/AMENDED: October/November 2013
Last Updated December 10, 2013