History of Zeta Omicron


Zeta Omicron was organized on Saturday, November 17, 1961 at the Lubbock Women's Clubhouse. Present to conduct the ceremonies for initiation, organization and installation of officers were two Alpha State officers, Eula Lee Carter and Phyllis Ellis of Forth Worth. Also attending were officers of two chapters from Midland, Texas: Mrs. Hazel Smith, president of Epsilan Eta; Mrs. Lillian Cornett, president of Zeta Psi; and Mrs. Eloise Mayberry, Zeta Psi.

Following an executive luncheon at noon, the afternoon session opened with a tea at 2:00 p.m. Mrs. Ivy Savage gave the invocation, and Mrs. Bert Shawver, president of Alpha Kappa, presided for the opening session. A program of vocal and violin selections was presented by Mr. and mrs. Hubert Carson.

Eula Lee Carter, state chairman of the committee on organization and expansion, announced to the three groups that this area should now be known as "Greater Lubbock Area" since the induction of the third chapter. Lubbock then had Alpha Sigma, Alpha, and Zeta Omicron. Miss Carter, Mrs. Shawver, and Mrs. Fae Lowry, president of Alpha Sigma, conducted the initiation and charter-signing ceremonies. Miss Ellis, Dorothy Lomas, and Trula Maude Jetton led the large group of thirty-four initiative through the ceremony. The visiting presidents with the past presidents of the Lubbock chapters formed an honor guard for the service.

Concluding the activities was the organization and election of officers for Zeta Omicron. Mrs. Muriel Mann was elected president; Virginia Maples, first vice president; Mrs. Ola Mae Ewing, second vice president; Mrs. Joanne Hayworth, recording secretary; mrs. Lois Marie Keeton, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Gladys Sims, treasurer; and mrs. Marie W. Allen, parliamentatiran. Zeta Omicron will meet the first Thursday of each month. A short business session of the newly-organized chapter ended the meeting.