Beta Kappa Logo

Delta Kappa Gamma Logo


Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators’ excellence in education.
Delta Kappa Gamma Rose
Beta Kappa has several outstanding meetings each biennium. We initiate our new members in late August or early September. Our Christmas tea is held on the first Sunday afternoon in December. One of Beta Kappa’s favorite programs is the joint book swap in February. Beta Kappa and Alpha Rho meet for fellowship, swapping books, and then adjourn for chapter meetings. New officers are initiated each biennium at a joint meeting of local chapters. This meeting, held at the Druid Hills Golf Club, features the Psi State President as the speaker.

Chapter Projects:

Service projects include cookies for the USO, recycling old eyeglasses, books for children living in extended motels or Our House, books for ladies in the Women’s Shelter, monetary donation to the Women’s Shelter, funding GED scholarships, and canned food for the needy.

Chapter Members’ Participation at District, State, Regional, and International Levels:

Betty Richardson serves as the Psi State Research Chair 2010-2012.
Sealy Harper serves on the Psi State Scholarship Committee 2010-2012.
Linda Byrd serves on the Psi State Music Committee 2010-2012.

Beta Kappa  Book Swap

Beta Kappa Members
Yearly Book Swap