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  1. Beta Kappa Logo
    Chapter Rules

    Article I | Article II | Article III | Article IV | Article V |
    Article VI | Article VII | Article VIII | Article IX | Article X | Article XI


The name of this chapter shall be Beta Kappa Chapter, Psi State Organization, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
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The purposes of Beta Kappa Chapter shall be the seven purposes of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International and those of the Psi State Organization.
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Membership is in accordance with the Constitution, Article III, and the International Standing Rules, Section 3.  The chapter has full authority for the administration of membership.

  1.        Section 1. Members. The membership of Beta Kappa Chapter shall be composed of active, reserve, and honorary members within the boundaries of the state of Georgia. All membership is in accordance with the Constitution, Article III.

       Section 2. Election of New Members.  The yearly number of initiates shall be determined by the vote of the active members who are in good standing. Election of new members will be by a two-thirds majority of members present.  No voting will be done by proxy.  Only members in good standing may vote on new members.  Either the Chapter President or the Membership Chairman will mail invitations to the newly selected women and will be responsible for organizing the initiation ceremony.

     Section 3. Orientation of New Members. The Chapter President and officers whom she selects will provide an orientation before the installation of newly-elected members.

   Section 4. Termination of Membership.  Termination of membership shall be in accordance with the Constitution, Article III, Section E.
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       Section 1. Annual dues.  The state annual dues shall be an amount determined in accordance with Psi State Standing Rules. The President and Treasurer of the Chapter will review and determine dues, fees or special assessments based on state, national, international, and chapter needs. Annual dues shall be paid between July and October 31 of each year. On November 1, members shall be dropped for non-payment of dues and fees. All dues and fees will be collected by the chapter treasurer. State, national, and international dues and fees will be forwarded to the state treasurer.

       Section 2. Financial controls. The Finance Committee shall submit a proposed budget annually, including any Grant-in-Aid, Scholarships, and/or other projects, for adoption by the chapter.  All expense vouchers shall be signed by the president before payment is made by the treasurer. An annual audit shall be done by a member who is not a chapter officer.

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Beta Kappa Chapter shall govern the conduct of its business in a manner consistent with the Constitution, International Standing Rules, Psi State Bylaws, Psi State Standing Rules, and the Beta Kappa Chapter Rules.
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       Section 1.  Types of Officers.  The elected chapter officers shall be a president, first vice-president, (who will serve as program chairman), second vice-president, recording secretary, and corresponding secretary.  The chapter treasurer will be selected by the executive board.  The president will appoint the parliamentarian, which may be the immediate past president but not the second vice president.  Both treasurer and parliamentarian will serve without vote, in accordance with the Constitution, Article VI.

       Section 2. Election of Officers. A slate of officers will be determined by and presented to the membership by a nominating committee.  The nominating committee is comprised of the three most immediate past presidents who are able to serve.  The nominating committee will secure the permission of each prospective officer before submitting her name on the slate of officers. Nominations will also be taken from the floor.
       Election to office will be by a 2/3 vote of active attending members in good standing. Reserve and honorary members do not vote. If only one candidate has been nominated, the vote may be a voice vote. If more than one candidate has been nominated, the vote must be by written ballot.

       Section 3. Duties of Officers. Officers shall perform their duties as prescribed in the Constitution, Article VI, and as authorized by Psi State Bylaws.

       Section 4. Terms of Office. Officers will be elected by the chapter in even-numbered years and will serve a term of two years. No officer, except the treasurer, may serve in the same office longer than two terms in succession.  All officers will take office on July 1 following their elections; therefore, installation of officers must occur before July 1. When a vacancy occurs in elective or appointive positions, other than the presidency, the president shall name a successor. If the office of president becomes vacant, the first vice-president completes the term of office. In the event that the vice-president should become unable to complete the term of office, a new president will be elected by the members.
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       The Chapter Executive Board will be comprised of all currently-elected officers, the treasurer, and the parliamentarian. Committee chairmen may be added, but do not have voting privileges.  (Voting members are elected by the members, not appointed). The Executive Board, which meets at least twice a year, will function according to the Constitution, Article VII, Section C.

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       Section 1. Standing Committees.
               Society Business

               Program of Work
                 Personal Growth and Services
                 Professional Affairs/Literacy
                 Hostess Coordination

               Educational Services
                 World Fellowship
               Special Services
                 Women in Art

       Section 2. General Procedures.  All committees shall be appointed by the President, except the Nominations Committee.  Committee chairmen shall be guided in the completion of their duties by the Handbook of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, latest edition.

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       Section 1. Number of Meetings. Beta Kappa Chapter will meet at least four, preferable five times a year. Additional meetings or changes may be approved by the Executive Board.
       Section 2. Programs. The programs for these meetings will be decided by the Program Committee. All members are welcome to suggest programs.
       Section 3. Quorum. A quorum is 2/3 of the attending active members in good standing.
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      Parliamentary procedure will follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
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       These chapter Rules may be amended by a two-thirds vote of active members in good standing who are present, provided notice of proposed amendments has been presented to members at least one meeting prior to voting.
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