The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International .....
Its Heritage.

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International has headquarters located in Austin, Texas, and is an international group of outstanding women educators who have local chapters located in fourteen countries, including the United States, Mexico and Canada, with several in Latin America and Europe. Membership into this group of Key Women Educators is by invitation, but any of our 135,000 members would be glad to assist an interested candidate in attending a local meeting. The Delta Kappa Gamma Society is the only educational organization that represents women educators in every phase of the teaching-learning act.

The Society was started in 1929 by a dynamic educator named Dr. Annie Webb Blanton and eleven other outstanding Texan women teachers who believed in equality for women teachers. Through the vision of Dr. Blanton and the diligent efforts of all twelve founders, this organization was formed to recognize the successful experience of women educators and to further their growth and participation in all aspects of the profession. It was Dr. Blanton's goal to form an organization to help remove barriers limiting the advancement of women educators.

Dr. Blanton served as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for Texas from 1918-1922, during which time she had been told by a man that the reason women did not accomplish more than they did was that they would not work together. Years later, she decided that if women were unified by bonds of an organization, they could fortify one another in accomplishing worthy endeavors. She used her vision, her dedication, and her strong business acumen to convert an idea into a moving force for good in education. Thus began The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.

The International Headquarters Building is located at
416 W. Twelfth Street
Austin, Texas

and can be reached using the following methods:
telephone: 1-512-478-5748
web site:

About Us | History | Important Dates | Oregon Trail Newsletter | Chapters

Comments and suggestions appreciated
contact Webmanager: Grace Pitzer

Updated: Friday, December 26, 2014 3:18 PM