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2016 Editor's Report
Trails were produced on time with the desired information included. The March edition was the fifth one for the year, with another to come in June. We have a new publisher—Brown Printing, as Print Graphics (our former printers) closed their business.
With the help of President Cindy, Past President Kathy, and chapter presidents, in 2015 Oregon changed to a primarily digital newsletter—as many other states did. With printing and mailing costs rising, going digital saves money. With members willing to check their e-mail and send copies or alerts to others in their circles, we shrink costs so the state can fund other items. In March 2016, only 64 members required printed copies! (Only members without computers receive a printed copy.) Special thanks to chapter presidents who checked with members to identify those who need a printed copy. You are appreciated!
On the other hand, many Chapter Chatter reports are missing. Tell us what your chapter has been doing and what you plan for next year. As our convention speaker, Dr. Beverly Helms, says, “Inquiring minds want to know!” The deadline is May 15 for our spring newsletter.
* Deadline for the June Trail: May 15
* Deadline for the September Trail: August 20
Committee: Marie Mueller, Editor,, 541-479-6726
Greatly assisted by all who submit articles, information, and pictures on time.
PDF Version of this Report.