Delta Kappa Gamma Crest

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International


Iota Chapter of Arkansas State Organization, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Iota Chapter History and Founders

Iota Chapter History
by Jo Ellen Crouch, a Charter Member
This information was given by Mrs. Crouch at our 50th Anniversary Celebration. Mrs. Crouch died in 1997.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society was organized May 11, 1929. Twelve women, most of whom were Texans, visualized and organized a society for women teachers and the glorification of their profession. These twelve national founders we honor when special honors are given to charter members of Iota Chapter.

We received our invitations to become charter members of Delta Kappa Gamma on March 6, 1944. It was like a ray of light shining through very dark and ominous clouds. Because, you see, it was a war year and everyone of us had loved ones somewhere in the conflict while we were trying to carry on at school and at home under very trying circumstances.

When we met that evening, March 25, at the Washington Hotel surrounded by the beauty and fellowship we found there, it gave us new hope and inspiration. We were greeted and welcomed by Mrs. Eva Pittman from Hot Springs, and Mrs. Claire White and Mrs. Hattie Lewis from Little Rock.

After the beautiful initiation ceremony, officiated by Mrs. Lewis, an attractive banquet was provided. Mrs. Pittman gave a welcoming address to the new Iota Chapter; Mrs. White honored us with an inspiring message; our own Margaret Simpson was the musician for the evening.

Twenty-one members were initiated on that evening. Louise Bell became our first president. We were all dressed up for this wonderful occasion in formal dresses, and were honored by beautiful corsages that adorned them.

During those early years we were busy with activities and interesting projects. Some have left an indelible imprint on my memory. On March 6, 1948, we entertained our national president, Dr. Margaret Stroh. We served a real southern dinner of baked ham and candied yams.

Some foreign students became very interested in the work of Delta Kappa Gamma after we took a group of them to the Kappa State Convention in Fort Smith. It was a happy day for them to take back to their homes in other countries.

Iota Chapter Celebrates 50 Years

Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International celebrated its golden anniversary on September 11, 1994 with a reception and program at the Butterfield Trail Village Convocation Center. Those taking part in the program were Jo Ellen Crouch, Juanita Caudle, Marcella Grider, Martha Elizabeth Moore, Virginia Wilson, and Lillian Woods. Greetings were given by Kappa State President Karen Thompson, State Treasurer Quintell Cole, and Past State President Wanda Roe. A letter of congratulations was read from International Second Vice President Jo Nell Lowry, who was unable to attend.

Delta Kappa Gamma International Founders

Dr. Annie Webb Blanton Dr. Anna Hiss Mrs. Ruby Terrill Lomax
Miss Mamie Sue Bastian Miss Ray King Dr. Cora M. Martin
Miss Ruby Cole Miss Sue King Miss Lalla M. Odom
Miss Mabel Grizzard Dr. Helen Koch Miss Lela Lee Williams

Kappa State Founders

Frances Bailey Miss Alma Keys Miss Edna Rudolph
Mrs. Lelia Copnte Miss Opal Herrington Miss Rosa Walker
Dr. Flora Gillentine Miss Beryl Henry Miss Pearl Williamson
Miss Annie G. Griffey Miss Willie Lawson Miss Constance Mitchell
  Dr. Bessie Moore  

Iota Chapter Charter Members

Zilpha Battey Genevieve Dennis Mary McCutchan
Mrs. Louise Bell Margaret Discher Mrs. Mattie Cal Maxted
Nieta Berry Mrs. Ila Ellis Juanita Prater
Lena Cannon Stella Hall Mrs. Elizabeth Richardson
Juanita Caudle Velma Hall Elizabeth Shipley
Mrs. Lillie B. Cochran Mrs. Stella Palmer Hotz Mrs. Margaret Simpson
Bessie Coventon Kara Jordon Beulah Whitcomb
Mrs. Jo Ellen Crouch Mrs. Laura Macdonald  


This page revised October 4, 2020
Comments? Contact Jim Paul