Chapter News
New Members and Service Project
At the October 2021 DKG Iota Chapter meeting, Jana Claybrook and Leslie Pitman were inducted and members participated in a fall service project donating books to the Little Free Library at the Springdale Community Clinic.

Hilda Sanchez
Hilda Sanchez, first year Kindergarten teacher at Childers Knapp Elementary School in Springdale, AR, received one of the 2021 Iota Chapter of DKG new teacher bags! Hilda holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education from the University of Arkansas, a Master's Degree in Teaching (K-6) from Harding University, and an ESOL Endorsement. Hilda, who is bilingual (Spanish/English), has experience as a Spanish Parent Liaison and Substitute Teacher at Knapp. Ms. Sanchez is excited to begin the new school year and she thanks DKG for the classroom gifts!

Annual Service Activity
On August 2, 2021, members of Iota Chapter of DKG joined for dinner and an annual service activity, putting together 25 gift bags with school supplies to distribute to new teachers in Northwest Arkansas.

Spring Auction
On May 3, 2021, DKG Iota Chapter members and guests met for dinner and a lively spring auction, raising $1,789.00 to support scholarships for future teachers.

Dr. Margaret Clark to be inducted into Arkansas Women's Hall of Fame
Click Here for the Article
Billie Sue Yates featured in Newspaper Article
Click Here for the article
New Teacher Support Project
The 14th Annual Delta Kappa Gamma Iota Chapter "New Teacher Support Project" provided 40 teachers from nine school districts (Lincoln, Farmington, Greenland, Elkins, Siloam Springs, Springdale, West Fork, Prairie Grove and Rogers) with $25.00 gift cards or supplies and a personal note of encouragement to start the school year and begin their new careers in the field of education.
Qian Zhang Ussery, Chinese Teacher, Springdale High School, "Thank you so much for all of the wonderful gifts! You are so thoughtful and I definitely feel supported by the DKG Iota Chapter! I would love to be a part of it to help others in the future! As new teachers, we all need encouragement from each other!"
Hannah Bowen, ESL Teacher, Siloam Springs Middle School, "Thank you so much!"
Barbara Funez, Siloam Springs Spanish Teacher, purchased new colored pencils for her classroom.
Not Picured
Rachel Holland, M.S., CFY-SLP, Prairie Grove Middle School, "Thank you so much for the generous gift of $25 to help make my classroom welcoming and engaging for my students! I am blown away by the kindness I have received as a first year speech-pathologist, both from my colleagues and the community. I would love to learn more about the Delta Kappa Gamma Professional Women Educators Organization and have the opportunity to bless and encourage another new teacher next year!"
DeAnna Berner, Computer Lab Manager, Farmington Middle School, "Thank you for your generous gift to help my school year get off to a great start! It was so encouraging to hear from fellow teachers and have their support. I am excited to use this gift to purchase supplies to organize my supply cart that I will be taking to the classrooms for computer lab lessons each day. I appreciate the efforts you have made to brighten the day of teachers in a time of new adventures. You are greatly appreciated!"
Tammie Greening, Administrative Assistant to Dr. Martin, Human Resources Director, Greenland School District, "Thank you so much for doing this. It's very thoughtful and such an awesome way to help out our new teachers."
John Unger, Principal, West Fork Middle School, "Thank you for the gift cards for our new teachers at West Fork Middle School. We greatly appreciate it."
DKG Iota Chapter members continue their annual service project for 2019, collecting classroom supplies for 25 new teachers.

DKG Iota Chapter members continue their annual service project for 2019.

DKG Iota Chapter members continue their annual service project for 2019.

The DKG Iota Chapter February 2018 Meeting focus was to raise awareness of local food shortage needs, increase scholarship funds for new teachers, and celebrate Valentine's Day with sisters!