Alpha Kappa

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Alpha Kappa of Mu State

Mission Statement

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

September 2007 Newsletter

What:  Our second meeting for 2007-'08

Where:  Janice McClung's house, 3454 Paces Ferry Rd. (Enter Lenox Mill subdivision off of Thomasville Rd. Once you enter subdivision take your first left on Moors Mill. Drive to the stop sign. Moor's Mill intersects Paces Ferry. Janice's house is directly ahead of the stop sign. Two story with confederate jasmine growing on the mailbox.)

When:  October 13th, 9:30-11:30

Who:  The Scholarship Committee will act as hostesses. The Membership Committee will conduct an orientation program for new members. By special request, the Scholarship Committee presents "Just Look at the Funding Available to You and Your Families". This proves to be an in-depth presentation on how to apply for aide and scholarships. In addition, Connie Lewis will present the new Alpha Kappa website. This proves to be an exciting meeting! Last names beginning with the letter M-Z will be responsible for bringing breakfast foods. Since we expect a large group, please don't forget those yummy casseroles (eggs, grits, ham and any other terrific southern fare).

Last Meeting: We had a spectacular speaker, Dr. Selena Snowden, an audiologist from Florida State University, present information about classroom acoustics and new technologies for personal amplification devices.

Current Issues: We issued three invitations for membership. One more recommendation has been turned in and there seem to be two or so more in the works. The issue at hand is that our current members need to vote on the most recent applications for new membership. By the time you receive this newsletter you have probably received an email with information about the individuals recommended for membership and the process for voting on their applications. If you received the email you were asked to contact Joy Moore or Janice McClung if you did not promote a particular applicant. In other words, if you do not contact Joy or Janice your vote will be considered to be one of affirmation.

If you have a recommendation for membership, but were not able to get the application to Joy or Linda prior to the email, you are encouraged to bring the application to our October meeting. During the meeting we will vote on new recommendations. During this meeting the applicants referenced in the email will be reviewed between 9:30 and 9:45 and these new applicants will arrive for an orientation at 10:00. However, if you will recall, the deadline for receiving applications was extended to October 13th, so you can even bring applications to the meeting!

Betty will conduct a private orientation prior to the November 11th Initiation Ceremony for any new recommendations for membership that might surface at our October meeting. If you need any clarification concerning recommendation or orientation for new members please call Joy Moore or Janice McClung.

Fundraiser and Service Project: Cookbooks, priced at $15, will be on sale at the next chapter meeting. Some affluent members of Mu State offer five fantastic prizes for those who sell the most cookbooks. For the first prize, there is an all expense paid weekend at a world famous resort of your choice. The other prizes are also grand! As a chapter, we are not competing. But if anyone wants to try, we can tell you where to get cookbooks. There will be a table at each chapter meeting until we sell 25 cookbooks. Fifty percent of the proceeds go to the Florida victims' disaster fund.

Personal: Melanie Jensen is the new Department Chair of Education at Flagler College. Janice McClung is the new Director of Clinical Education in the Department of Communication Disorders at FSU. Congratulations Melanie and Janice! The Virtual School Program that Sally Roberts implemented was shown on PBS twice this month! There are now 50,000 students in Florida participating. Congratulations to Sally on a job well done!

Travel: Rhonda Work is off to Egypt. Teresa is off to the Netherlands to see her daughter and she has the contact number of the Delta Kappa Gamma president. She will try to make contact if time allows. Betty is off to Santorini, Greece. She is attending a conference with her husband. Greece is not one of Delta Kappa Gamma's "Fifteen Countries" but she will wear her pin. You can meet a lot of interesting people by doing this.

Roses: Roses go to Connie Lewis. Connie developed a website for Alpha Kappa. It is beautiful! We are one of eight in the state. We are so lucky to have Connie, a past and present leader, back with us. She is one example of a member who could not be active for a time, but is back with us now. We met many people like Connie at the recent Mu State workshop in Orlando. So, hold on to your membership!!!

Reminders: 1) It's time to pay your dues if you have not already done so. If you have any questions please contact Rhonda Work. 2) If you have a recommendation for membership, please alert Linda Rogers or Joy Moore. 3) Initiation is scheduled for Sunday, November 11th. 4) Don't forget that you can shop on-line through Delta Kappa Gamma. Why not save the gas and time by shopping on-line!


Last updated July 25, 2008