Alpha Kappa Chapter - Florida in Tallahassee
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Chapter Events


Congratulations to Stacy Thompson, our new President. Also, congratulations to Monica Hayes, our past president for being elected District I Director. We wish you both success in your new roles.


  • Send your professional accomplishments to be published on the website. We want to know about you!
  • You can ask another professional to join our chapter anytime during the year. A membership invitation and application form are here for your convenience.


Hope Community Project services homeless families, children and adults (specifically homeless veterans). AK will collect books for all age. The materials for Hope do not have to be new. Nikki Abels will collect the books and they can be brought to chapter events.

FSU Southern Scholarship Foundation House, the Lundquist House. We plan to meet at the house with the residents, bring meals to them and enjoy getting to know them. The chapter provides supplies to "pack their pantry" and other items the ladies have on their wish list. . They refer to AK members as their "House Champions". Please select from the items on the Lundquist House Wish List. Other items may be selected from here. Nancy Watson is our contact member.

Supplies for AK Educators - members submit their supply needs list on Amazon. Please help support our AK teachers as they prepare for this new year. The list is linked and can be found on the AK Facebook page. Stacy Thompson is our contact person.

The Second Harvest of the Big Bend "Back Pack" program (3rd year) provides 1,200 bags of nutritious food to food insecure students every week. Donations grow their ability to feed more students this school year. Without this important program, students may go hungry over the weekend and return to school distracted and struggle to reach their full potential. Since 2010, the Backpack Program has provided more than 1,000 bags of food weekly to children in the Big Bend Area. In Leon County alone, over 30 percent of our children in Tallahassee are food insecure.

World Fellowship - DKG promotes professional and personal growth of its members and excellence in education. The World Fellowship Fund was established to provide opportunities for women from foreign countries to pursue graduate studies in Canada and the United States. We collect coins at each meeting to give to World Fellowship. Last year we gave $295.00. Thank you Alpha Kappa members!


Chapter Meeting Schedule 2024-26

  • Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 1 pm - Induction, St. Stephen Church (2198 N. Meridian Rd) 
  • September 20-21, 2024 Florida DKG Fall Convention in Lake Mary, Florida. Contact Stacy Thompson, mrsstacyleethompson at for more information.

  • League of Women Voters - Florida Constitution on the ballot in November- Thursday, September 26, 2024 starting at 5:30 at the NE library. After the program will be a short business meeting. A-K, bring a light snack to share. (Postponed due to Helene)
  • October 12, 2024 at noon, Lundquist Scholarship House Potluck, Address: 322 Stadium Drive.

  • October 19, 2024 - 10 am, Business Meeting and Program-League of Women Voters, Saturday, Ginny Densmore's House, 9713 Waters Meet Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32312.
  • December 10, 2024 pm Holiday Gathering; and Business Meeting, JoAnne Arnett's House, 2102 Lake Forest Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32303 Holiday Cookie Exchange.
  • February 11, 2025 at 5:30 pm, Business Meeting and AK Committee Workshop, Eastside Library
  • February 15, 2025 at noon, Meeting with SSF Lundquist Ladies, 322 Stadium Drive, Enjoyed a covered dish luncheon. Some of the ladies requested mentors.

  • March 25, 4-6 pm, Drop By, Applebees Fallschase, Come and visit, say hello and take out, or stay as long as you would like.

  • April 25 - 27, 2025, Florida State Convention, Orlando Marriott Lake Mary.

Chapter Minutes
Alpha Kappa Chapter
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Business Meeting
February 11, 2025
Submitted by Nikki Abels

Members Attending: Kathy Drake, Monica Hayes, Connie Lewis, Stacy Thompson, Catherine Connor, Rose Skepple, Jennifer Kinney, Maria Pouncey, Nikki Abels, Nancy Watson, Susan Vinson, Josephine Sondossi, and Gale

Call to Order: Stacy T. called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm.

Minutes: The minutes of 12/10/24 were approved were approved by voice vote.

Treasurer’s Report: Stacy T. reported that the treasure’s report was similar to the previous one. She also reminded us that we did get a #500 anonymous donation. This information will be filed for audit.

Committee Updates:

Lundquist House: Nancy W. reported the following information:
*A food processor/hand mixer has been purchased for the
*There is still a need for mentors for the ladies.
*Shelf staples such as boxed mixes/ pastas/etc. are still needed.
*The ladies are planning an end of semester trip/celebration. can be sent to Patte Casey with the notation “Lundquist Trip”.
*There will be another joint activity with the ladies sometime in the spring.
Nancy would use some assistance with this.
*Nancy has purchased bathroom supplies for the ladies.

New Business:

*Connie L. is asking for any news you would like to contribute the communication award.
*Reminder of Spring Convention on April 25-27.
*Founders’ Day will be May 18, 2025 at 1 pm at St. Stephens Church.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:51 pm by Stacy T.

The members then broke into different committee groups.


Last updated March, 2025