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Alpha Kappa Chapter - Florida in Tallahassee
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
2022 - 2024 Officers and Committees
- President: Stacy Thompson (Elected member - voting member)
- Past President: Monica Hayes (Elected member - voting member)
- President-Elect: Lisa Phillips (Elected member - voting member)
- Vice President: Susan Vinson (Appointed by President
- Corresponding Secretary: Nikki Abels (Elected member - voting member)
- Recording Secretary: Gina Daniels (Elected member - voting member)
- Communication Chair and Webmaster: Connie Lewis (Appointed by President)
- Educational Excellence Representative: Nina Sapuppo (Invited by President)
- Book Collection Effort for DOC - Nikki Abels, chair
Collects books appropriate for distribution to male and female inmates in correctional institutions.
- Communication Committee - Connie Lewis - chair, Delores Hudson
Responsible for website, newsletter, membership list, etc. All members contribute to this committee by submitting information to be posted/published.
- Early Learning Coalition (Book Drive) Coordinating Committee - Maria Pouncey - chair, Lisa Phillips, Janie Register, Deborah Hannah
Collect books at each meeting and store until delivery. Stamp books with chapter stamp and arrange delivery time with ELC and members who wish to attend. Delivery is made after December chapter meeting.
- Educational Exellence Committee - Ninamarie Sappupo
Plan chapter programs, secure facilities and coordinate with other committees such as projects, music and arts. Represent our chapter at EEC district level meetings.
- Facebook Page - June Townsend - chair, Nancy Rosenbaum, Susan Vinson
Manage and maintain FB page.
- Finance and Audit Committee - Rhonda Work - chair
Prepare annual budget, including sources of income and projected expenditures, review dues structure and make appropriate recommendations for change, and prepare an annual audit.
- Fundraising (Raffle) Committee
Solicit prizes and organize process for raising funds to support AK projects/scholarships, etc.
- Membership Committee - Lisa Phillips - chair, Connie Lewis
Distribute and collect membership forms/review, invite new members. Manage membership list.
- Music Committee - Ginny Densmore - chair, Vicki Rhodes
Arrange for groups to perform at events or to conduct music where needed at meetings i.e., DKG song.
- Name Tag Committee - Rhonda Work - chair, Connie Lewis
Keep and bring nametags to meetings; replace missing nametags and make ones for new members.
- Nominating Committee - TBA
Identifiy 3 members to be on committee who will create the officer roster to be voted on by the membership. This occurs every two years.
- Program Committee - Monica Hayes - chair, Lisa Phillips
Plan chapter programs, secure facilities and coordinate with other committees such as projects, music and arts.
- Scholarship Committee - Janie Register, Nancy Watson, Genae Crump
Keep members alerted to scholarships available and due dates for applying.
- Social Activities Committee - Gale Workman, Alice Ann-Darrow, Nancy Watson, Melanie Hester
Plan additional meetings of fellowship for AK members.
- Southern Scholarship Foundation/Lundquist House - Nancy Watson - chair, Felicia Jordan Jackson - co-chair, Alice Ann Darrow
Collect goods at meetings/store/arrange for delivery to Lundquist House; coordinate 2 deliveries - one early each senmester with the SSF house and AK members.
- Standing Rules Committee - Nancy Henning - chair, Lisa Phillips, Rhonda Work
Review the standing rules, updates them to assure that they are current with the state and international bylaws.
- World Fellowship - Gale Workman, Nancy Henning
The World Fellowship Fund was established to provide opportunities for women from foreign countries to pursue graduate studies in Canada and the United States. When possible, women who are selected are invited to chapter events.
Last updated March, 2025