Alpha Kappa Chapter - Florida in Tallahassee
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Photo Gallery

More images available on the AK Facebook Page (updated after each session held by Alpha Kappa.)


Alpha Kappa was awarded the Communication Award in May, 2021 for the 4th year in a row.
Congratulations to all members who participated in providing information to achieve this award.

Communication Award Badge.
Also on homepage of Website.

Communication Award Certificate

Welcome new members inducted in November, 2020!

Susan Borland-Education
Mgr-Challenger Learning Cntr

Jennifer Kenny-FSUS
Student Services Dir

Maria Pouncey-PAEC
Adm Student Services

Stacey Thompson
Montford MS-Soc Sci

Allyson Watson-Dean COE
Florida A&M Univ

Welcome new transfer members from Iota - Fall, 2020!

Laura Casto - Media
Specialist - Griffin MS

Nancy Henning - RT Leon Co Schools
President FL State

Diane Johnson - Retired
Leon Co Schools

Alpha Kappa has been having chapter meetings virtually since the pandemic.
At our Zoom meeting September 18, 2020 we met the residents of the Southern Scholarship Foundation House.
We have helped support them as one of our service projects.

Residents of the Lundquist House

AK members attending Meeting (Some not pictured)

SSF Lundquist House - Cover Dish Dinner with the Residents, 2019




AK 60th Anniversary Celebration, 2019

AK original charter with
founder's signatures

Anne Black, Carol Jo Hardiman,
and Patti Casey enjoying event

Birthday cake thanks to Delores Hudson

Spring Florida Conference, April, 2019

Our representatives - Nancy Rosenbaum,
Nancy Watson, and Delores Hudson

Nancy Rosenbaum receives a Fl DKG Ed Foundation Award.

Delores Hudson participates
in the State chorus.

Thank you Gale Workman for facilitating Alpha Kappa
in achieving the World Fellowship Platinum Award.

Alpha Kappa is awarded the Communication Award
for the second time!

Holiday Gathering, December 6, 2018

Welcome New Member Patti Brownstein

Business Meeting Information being Shared

Members Enjoy Cookie Exchange at
Jo Anne Arnette's Lovely Home.

BBCC Initiation Luncheon, November 3, 2018 Meeting

Ruth Bickel

Congratulations to our New Members

Lisa Phillips

Photo Gallery Continued    

Last updated March, 2025