Alpha Kappa Chapter, Florida in Tallahassee
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Alpha Kappa - Florida

Florida District I Facebook Page

Documents Developed by Alpha Kappa Members for All DKG Members

Educational Excellence Resource Guide

A Talk by Rhonda Work, BBCC and AK Treasurer, focusing on the Founder’s Dream and where we are today.

What's in it for Me! DKG Benefits for Members (Compiled by Gale Workman, Scholarship Chair and Connie Lewis Communication Coordinator and Webmaster) A comprehensive source which details information regarding Leadership Training, Publishing, Scholarships, Networking, Conferencing, Awards, and Insurance.

Orientation Presentation for Prospective Members with Text. Information nominees for membership are given prior to induction - developed and presented by Connie Lewis and Rhonda Work.

60th Alpha Kappa Birthday Celebration Slides - - developed by Connie Lewis. (This will take time to download)

DKG - Who Are We? - A question and answer documents to give members an opportunity to refresh their memories about DKG - developed by Connie Lewis

Note: At the bottom, under Amazon Smile, you can support the Florida DKG Educational Foundation Inc. when you use Smile at Amazon to shop.

Florida DKG

Delta Kappa Gamma International


DKG App: Free Download from Apple "App Store" and "Google Play" for Android. Search "DKG" or "Delta Kappa Gamma Society".

Facebook Twitter
International: @DKG_SI

DKG Channel:

DKG International Blog: Regularly updated information by committees on DKG topics including Communication and Publicity, Membership, EEC, Finance and Constitution.

Last updated March, 2025