Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Zeta State
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is an international society of over 130,000 key women educators in fourteen countries. The Society was founded on May 11, 1929, in Austin, Texas, to promote equal status for women, to work for school legislation, and to provide financial assistance for women in their educational careers. Dr. Annie Webb Blanton, a member of the faculty of the University of Texas and a former state superintendent of public instruction, led twelve women educators in the founding of the society. They chose the name of the society based upon the initial letters of the three Greek words meaning key women teachers.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Crest or Coat of Arms
Keypin Flower Membership in the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International shall be by invitation. Members initiated into the Society become members of chapters, state organizations, and the international Society. Recommendations for invitations to membership are submitted by members on the official Recommendation for Membership form. an individual is not a member until she has been initiated.
A broad cross section of
educational interests should be represented in the membership of each
chapter. Diversification of expertise, from preschool through university
in both public and private schools, expands the perceptions of members.
Active members shall be women who are employed in educational work at
the time of their election and have had three years of experience as
professional educators. Members of the Society receive numerous quality publications. they are kept informed and updated on Society business, initiatives, opportunities, and activities. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin is published quarterly by the international office. It is a professional journal containing articles submitted by members. It keeps members apprised of current educational issues and concerns. The Delta Kappa Gamma News is published six times a year and serves as the international newsletter of the Society. The Zeta Data is the Zeta State newsletter keeping Mississippi members informed of activities, state updates, and chapter activities. Updated November 15, 2006