You are invited to attend:

Alpha Rho State Convention
April 15 ~ 17, 2011
Holiday Inn
Astoria, Oregon

Welcome! | Hotel | Registration | Tours | Speakers | Workshops | Schedule | Contact


In an attempt to make you first Alpha Rho State Convention a pleasant and comfortable experience, the following tips and information are provided.  If you have questions about anything more, please don’t hesitate to ask.  We want you to have a memorable experience that will support your personal and professional growth as a key woman educator.

Assigned Seating: The only events at which special seating is assigned are at meals.  Your table assignment will be designated on you meal ticket.  If there is no designation, you may choose your own table.

Dress: There is no particular requirement, but most attendees wear business casual clothing for the on-site meetings and workshops.  The Rose Banquet is usually more formal and most members and guests dress accordingly.  Pins are worn to all events with the exception of the Rose Banquet, when many members choose to not wear pins and nametags in order to protect finer clothing.

Hospitality Room: Take some time to visit the hospitality room and meet other members.  It is a place to relax and enjoy great refreshments and conversation.

Luncheon Tips: To celebrate together, our tradition is to share the dessert after the candles are lit, the birthday song is sung, and you are invited by the one presiding to enjoy the first bit.  Baskets or envelopes are usually passed during the luncheon program to collect donations for the State Scholarship Funds.  Individuals and/or chapters may put cash or checks into these baskets.  Indicate into which fund your money should go, if you have a preference.  State and scholarship awards are presented and First – Timers are often recognized at this function.

Nametags & Meal Tickets: All participants need to wear their official nametags for on-site activities: particularly for the business sessions.  While they need not be worn if you are away from the hotel, it is a nice advertisement for DKG to alert businesses and local citizens to the reason you are visiting their city.  Meal tickets will be collected at each meal. 

Official Pins: Please wear you key pin to all convention functions, with the exception of the Rose Banquet.  The pin is normally worn o the left side, with nothing above it.  A chapter president’s pin is worn directly beneath the key pin.  Ribbon badges are available for purchase and are convenient for protecting clothing.

Registration/Check in: You must register in order to participate in the convention business.  Pick up your convention packet and program at the convention registration table. (This is not to be confused with the hotel registration desk!)  In your packet you will find an envelope with meal tickets, your official nametag, a set of annual reports, and sundry information.  You may wish to bring a bag to carry all of your items.  Bags will not be provided.

Timing: It is a good idea to arrive at events a few minutes early in order to be seated before the presider begins.  Personnel try to keep things moving and on schedule; especially at the business and workshop sessions.

Voting: All members registered for convention are entitled to vote on all issues during the general business sessions.  Following Roberts’ Rules of Order procedures, any registered member can address the Chair with comments or ask for information on an issue.  At an Executive Board meeting, all members are welcome and encouraged to attend, however, only the chapter presidents, past state presidents, and state officers may vote.

Alpha Rho Home page

Comments and suggestions appreciated
contact Webmanager: JoAnn or Grace

Updated: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 9:59 PM