Alpha Kappa
Chapter Minutes

CHAPTER MINUTES - Meeting Saturday, October 13, 2007

Alpha Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met Saturday, October 13, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Janice McClung. Members present were: Jo Anne Arnett, Anne Black, Kimberly Brock, Ginny Densmore, Cecilia Hack, Teresa Horn, Jessica Horton, Dawn James, Connie Lewis, Janice McClung, Martha Miller, Joy Moore, Betty Niedoroda, LaTressa Oder, Edna Owens, Vicki Rhodes, Vikki Shackelford, Nedra Tharpe, June Townsend, Susan Vinson, Dana Wison, Rhonda Work and Gale Workman. Our guest was Humira Haroom.

Prior to the meeting two new members were voted into Alpha Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma.

After members enjoyed a delicious brunch, President Betty Niedoroda called the meeting to order. Betty introduced her guest, Humira Haroom from Bangladesh. Humira will be writing a newsletter (in her language) via the Internet about our organization.

Joy Moore presided over the orientation of our new members: Jo Anne Arnett, Kimberly Brock, LaTressa Oder, Vikki Shackelford and Dana Wilson. Cecilia Hack presented a history of Delta Kappa Gamma, Nedra Tharpe discussed the publications, and Rhonda Work explained the dues and responsibilities. Initiation for the new members will be on November 11, 2007 at the Ramada Inn from 3:00 through 5:00 p.m. All five chapters will be participating.

The scholarship committee presented the program. Connie Lewis shared receiving scholarships at local, state, and international levels. Jessica Horton shared her experience with applying and receiving Leon County grants. Members were highly encouraged to take advantage of scholarship opportunities.

Connie Lewis gave an overview of the Alpha Kappa Chapter website: Connie showed the international site and where to retrieve scholarship forms.

Lenora Lawrence is selling Delta Kappa Gamma cookbooks for $15.00. They make a great gift.

Rhonda Work reminded members to pay their dues. She gave the treasurer's report . The chapter has a cash balance of $1769.02 as of October 13, 2007.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. All members were reminded of our next meeting on February 11, 2008. Teresa Horn and Dawn James graciously agreed to record minutes in the absence of Marie Land.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Land, Recording Secretary

Last updated July 25, 2008