Alpha Kappa
Chapter Minutes

CHAPTER MINUTES - Meeting Saturday, May 3, 2008

Alpha Kappa Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met on May 3, 2008, at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Betty Niedoroda.

Members present were: Jo Ann Arnett, Anne Black, Jacque Clemens, Ginny Densmore, Cecilia Hack, Missy Jungling, Janice McClung, Betty Niederoda, Edna Owens, Sherrill Ragans, Vicki Rhodes, June Townsend, Nancy Turner, Rhonda Work.

Members provided a delicious and beautiful breakfast. After good food and fellowship, Betty called the meeting to order. Rhonda Work gave the treasurer's report. It was filed for audit. Members were reminded of Founder's Day on May 10th. Janice McClung completed the programs and Betty and Rhonda will decorate. Anyone interested in helping was asked to be at Killearn Country Club at 9:15 a.m. that morning.

Jacque Clemens announced the new officers: President-Elect: Missy Jungling, Recording Secretary: Teresa Horn, Corresponding Secretary: Cecilia Hack. Many thanks to Marie Land and Jacque Clemens for handling the nominations committee for our officers.

Members were reminded to consider new members over the summer. Also, if you have a change in address, phone number, or e-mail address, please let Betty know for the new yearbook.

Cecilia Hack proposed that a vice-president be added to the roster of elected chapter officers. The proposal passed and the vice-president will be voted on at the fall meeting. The change will appear in the bylaws as follows: Page 4, F. Officers and Related Personnel. Section A. Officers: Chapter officers shall be a president-elect, a vice-president, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary (all elected), and a treasurer (selected by the Executive Board). The vice-president shall perform such duties as the president shall assign to her.

Jo Ann Arnett organized a successful fundraiser for the Center for Biblical Studies.

Betty Niedoroda is the President of the Coordinating Council for the next year. Please give her any suggestions on places to hold Initiation, Founder's Day and Legislative Day. Betty will have cookbooks for sale.

The summer luncheon will be June 30th. June Townsend suggested Beff O'Brady's and it was unanimous in approval.

Don Rapp gave a very informative and impressive program on balance. Many of the members present requested copies of his new book.

In the absence of Marie Land, Betty Niedoroda recorded the minutes. After the program, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted,

Marie Land, Recording Secretary

Last updated October 11, 2008