Alpha Kappa
Chapter Minutes

CHAPTER MINUTES - Meeting March 17, 2009

Members present: Betty Niedoroda, Judy O'Steen, Connie Lewis, Missy Jungling, Janice McClung, Sally Roberts, Susan Vinson, Joy Moore, Gale Workman, Leonora Lawrence, Susan Womble, Anne Black, Cecilia Hack, Rhonda Work, Marie Land, Carole Jo Hardiman, Gwen Dixon, Jacque Clemens, Dawn James, June Townsend, Latressa Oder, and Teresa Horn.

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M. at the home of Janice McClung.

Approval of Minutes:   Cecilia Hack approved the minutes, and they were seconded by Betty Niedoroda.

Treasurer's Report:   As of March 17, 2009, our chapter has a cash balance of $1004.68 (which is a healthy balance). We currently have 45 members.

Event Reminders:
  • The Mu State Convention will be held May 1-3 in Orlando. If anyone can attend, let Janice know.
  • The Founder's Day Luncheon will be held May 16th. The location and time will be announced soon.
  • The Leadership Conference will be held June 25-28 in Tampa. Applications are available on line. It should be a great weekend conference. Rhonda Work motioned that since we have a healthy bank balance and since no one attended last year, that we sponsor two members to attend this year. Cecilia Hack seconded the motion. Janice McClung and Missy Jungling will attend.

Summer Luncheon:   It was decided to have the summer luncheon on Monday, July 13, 2009, starting between 11:00 and 11:30. It was suggested that it be held at Old Town Café, American Grill, Bianca's, or Aria's. Missy Jungling will call these restaurants to find out availability.

Congratulations:   Susan Womble won the gold medal for the children's literature category for the Florida Book Awards. To honor her hard work, she was presented with a red ribbon to hold her Delta Kappa Gamma pins. In addition, Janice sent Susan's picture and a blurb about her award to the Florida Rays.

Mentor Basket:   At tonight's meeting, members brought teaching items to be placed in a basket for a first year teacher. Three names were submitted and Kristina Black won. The basket will be delivered to her by Dawn James.

  • A Delta Kappa Gamma crest pin was given to Jacque Clemons for nominating a new member to our chapter last fall. Start thinking about those who you would like to nominate for the fall of 2009. You can start preparing them by talking about Delta Kappa Gamma and what we do.
  • Anne Black is planning a trip to Oregon and California June 19-26. She would love to have other members join her.
  • June Townsend discussed the Retired Leon/Wakulla Co. Educators organization that she is a member of and invited anyone who would like to join. They meet the first Tuesday of each month from September through May. Membership fees are $30 for the year.
  • Connie Lewis discussed how the Early Learning Coalition is working with Whole Child Leon of the Big Bend area to get books into the hands of children. These organizations are looking for book donations for children ages 0 through middle school. This might be something that Delta Kappa Gamma wants to "buzz about". It was suggested that this be taken to the Big Bend Coordinating Council and that all five chapters bring books to be donated to the Founder's Day Luncheon on May 16.

At 7:15 Anne Black said the Blessing and we enjoyed a dinner of pizza, salads, and desserts.
After dinner, each member present demonstrated her creative talents by making a scrapbook page about herself.

Teresa Horn, Recording Secretary

Last updated February 16, 2010