Alpha Kappa

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Alpha Kappa of Mu State

Mission Statement

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional
and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

What:    Our next event for '08-'09
Where:    Founders' Day Luncheon
     Antique Car Museum
     U.S. 90 East/6800 Mahan Drive
When:   May 16th 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Who:   All members
Why:   To honor our founders, participate in the necrology ceremony, and meet with chapter members from the area.
Remember:   All chapter members will bring a covered dish to this event! Beverages and paper goods will be furnished.

What:    Our summer lunch get together
Where:    Old Town Cafe
     1415 Timberlane Rd. at Market Square
When:   July 13th at 11:30
Who:    All members
Why:    To relax and chat!

Dear Members,

Our Founders' Day luncheon is just around the corner and the deadline for reserving your seat is May 9th. Have you mailed your payment and reservation form to Rhonda!?! I've attached an extra form in case you misplaced the one that I send a little while ago. Don't forget that you have the opportunity to tour the museum for a discounted rate following the luncheon.

If you're interested in taking a self guided tour be sure to add $5.00 to your reservation payment to cover admission. We've been told that the full price of $9.00 will be required if your reservation is not made early. Remember that this year's event will be a covered dish luncheon. Please remember to bring your favorite lunch dish, along with a serving piece.

Alpha Kappa members revealed their artistic talents during our March meeting. Each member created a scrapbook page for our chapter's memory book. Each page was unique and special. I never realized how many talented folks we have in our chapter!

During the meeting we also held a drawing for our first year teacher mentorship basket. Kristina Black from Ft. Braden was our lucky winner. Dawn James and LaTressa Oder presented Kristina with the basket of wonderful teacher tools!

A number of additional items were covered at our meeting. I've attached the minutes to this message so that you have the opportunity to review them. One pressing piece of information concerns our upcoming Founders' Day Luncheon and the book drive that Whole Child Leon is promoting. Please consider bringing at least one new, or slightly used book, to our luncheon for a child between the ages of 0 -13 years. Connie Lewis volunteered to deliver the books to the project.

One last "heads up"….Mark your calendar for our summer luncheon. We will meet at Old Town Café on July 13th. This luncheon provides the opportunity to gather as friends and chat about our summer life. It is also a great time to talk about prospective members for our chapter. This is the best time of the year to discuss DKG with a prospective member who you feel would represent the society's values.

I look forward to seeing everyone on May 16th!



Looking Back...

The World Fellowship Committee promoted a fun-filled program in March!

Looking Ahead…

Founders' Day is scheduled for May 16th and our summer lunch is scheduled for July 13th.

Prayers to:

  • Susan Vinson who is handling her chemotherapy with incredible grace.
  • Sandy Byars from Gamma Eta. Her father is in Hospice Care.
  • Betty Niedoroda's precious pooch, Nikki, who is undergoing radiation therapy.


Don't' forget to send updates and photos to Connie Lewis! She will post them to our webpage.

Roses go to…..

  • Carole Hardiman for helping to organize the March meeting.
  • Missy Jungling for bringing so many terrific scrapbook items to the March meeting and for agreeing to share a blessing during our Founders' Day Luncheon.
  • All of the members who brought yummy food to the March meeting. I can't wait to see what you all bring to the Founders' Day Luncheon!!!

Last updated July 29, 2009