What: Next meeting, Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 9:30 a.m.
Where: Betty Niedoroda's House, 6000 Miller's Landing Cove Road
Program: TBA
Who: Hostesses: Members of The Personal Growth and Development Committee
(Each member attending should bring a dish to share)
Announcement: There are still 12 cookbooks available. Please let Betty know if you need one.
This meeting focuses on the following:
Updating yearbooks (Do you have a new
email, address or phone number?). Also, bring your yearbooks.
Founders' Day on May 10, Killearn Country
Club at 10:00 a.m.
- New Members
We had a wonderful meeting in February at Missy Jungling's house. The Global Affairs committee presented the program. Sherrill Reagan's presentation about Norway was outstanding. Sherrill is an enthralling speaker, and we are lucky she is an Alpha Kappa Member. The next Global Affairs Committee will meet August, 2009, in Norway.
The District One - March - meeting went well. Alpah Kappa had 11 members there acting as presiders for various workshops. The basket prepared by Rhonda Work and Missy Jungling was excellent and the bulletin board by Janice McClung was the best one at the meeting.
Alpha Kappa was (one of three) mentioned as meeting their membership goal for the past year. Most exciting, the President of Mu State named Rhonda Work as the "unsung hero" of District One for the biennium. Alpha Kappa, now has another Hall of Fame member. We made a good showing in District One!
Personal news. . .Rhonda Work just returned from Namibjau on a Wildlife Trip, and Betty Niedoroda goes to Hawaii where she hopes to meet other Delta Kappa Gamma members.
Roses go to all the officers, committee charis, and members who have participated and contributed to giving us a successful biennium.
Last updated August 6, 2008